Implantation of teeth with bone atrophy: prices for capacity

How to build boneModern dentistry makes extensive use of implantation to restore the dentition. The fact is that such a prosthetic dentistry method is the safest and most effective if the tooth has been lost recently. This type of prosthesis is no less effective if the tooth was removed more than a year ago or more. True, the patient will have to go through some additional procedures that are necessary for the reliable installation of the pin. We are talking about procedures for increasing the jaw bone.

Bone growth before implantation

Relief of the jaw bone is very difficult to call ideal. Every patient on it there are irregularities and defects internal structure. A person's own teeth in the process of growth adapt to the peculiarities of the jaw structure, but when it comes to implants, one has to prepare a bone for artificial teeth.

The decision to conduct an operation to build bone tissue doctors take in each case separately. When dentures are put on implants, dentists try to do without plastics, since quite a bit of bone tissue is needed to install a pair of pins under a denture.

Doctors estimate the age of the patient, making a decision about building bone. Bones change with age not for the better. Their tissue atrophies and without plastics, most often, implants are already impossible to deliver.

Unfortunately, dental implantation without bone grafting is impossible if the following are noted. pathological processes:

  • The root has been missing for a long time.
  • The presence of periodontitis and periodontal disease.
  • Cysts at the root of the tooth.
  • Inflammation of the maxillary sinus in a chronic form.

When do I need to grow bone tissue?

Not all patients agree to bone grafting. They are afraid of the procedure itself. It happens that patients in fear refuse to implant teeth. Meanwhile, in some cases, the refusal to build can cause the following unpleasant consequences:

  • Bone grafting and implantationFace contours may be distorted. New wrinkles will appear on the face, and lips will begin to fall.
  • The patient will lose the ability to chew food normally. This, in turn, will cause various problems with the digestive tract.
  • Facial expressions and articulation will be violated.
  • In severe cases, the dentition shifts. This will eventually cause tooth decay.

It turns out that increasing bone tissue is necessary not only before implantation, but also simply as therapeutic and preventive measures.

Today in dentistry several types of bone buildup are used. Each type is used to solve certain problems and has its own readings.

Methods of bone grafting

Before implantation most often The following plastic methods are used:

  • Targeted tissue regeneration.
  • Planting bone block.
  • Sinus lift

Directed Tissue Regeneration

This technique is used most often because it hurts the patient the least. In addition, this method allows simultaneous installation of implants. Directional bone regeneration can increase both the height of the tissue and its width.

For directed tissue regeneration The following components are used:

  • Bone material for replanting. The following synthetic and natural materials can be used in its quality: synthetic hydroxyapatite; natural animal bone; patient's own bone chips. In the latter case, bone grafting material is taken from the lower jaw. By the way, autogenic infusion shows the best results, since there is no risk of rejection. True, this option has a minus - an extra operation to pick up planting material.
  • Special membrane. With its help, dentists close the attached material. The membrane protects the bone from soft tissue and leaching. It comes in two versions: absorbable and non-absorbable. The second type of membrane has to be removed by an additional operation. Dentists are required to use the membrane, because without it, the level of bone tissue after transplantation does not increase or will be insufficient.

In recent years, dentists began to use targeted tissue regeneration in conjunction with the method of splitting the alveolar process and implant placement. it combined technique lies in the vertical section of the alveolar process and the implant is screwed into it with simultaneous replanting. At the end of the operation, the operative field is covered with a membrane, and the gum is sutured over it.

Bone blocking

This technique involves the use of autogenous bone, which is taken on the lower jaw. The unit is mounted in the surgical field with special screws that provide good osteosynthesis. This procedure does not end there. After fixing, the block is covered with bone chips or hydroxyapatite from above. Naturally, from above it is all covered with a membrane, and then tightly sutured with gum tissue.

This method has 3 major drawbacks:

  1. How to increase bone tissueBecause of the need to collect additional material, the operation is more traumatic.
  2. With this technique impossible simultaneous implant installation. That is, you will have to wait several months before you can put the pins.
  3. Bone grafting has more complications than directed tissue regeneration.

Sinus lift

This method is used only when placing implants of teeth in the upper jaw, since the operation is essentially a procedure for raising the day of the maxillary sinuses. Due to such an increase in the volume of bone tissue.

Sinus lifting is of two types:

  1. Closed sinus lift. This type of surgery is used with a significant lack of bone tissue. The procedure is simple and allows you to immediately install implants. This method got its name due to the fact that the gum is not cut, but is drilled with a special drill. This approach can reduce the trauma. An artificial bone implant is inserted through the hole in the space between the jaw bone and maxillary sinus.
  2. Open sinus lift. This procedure is considered more complex. The fact is that doctors need to pre-make a hole in the upper jaw, besides the bone material survives longer than with a closed sinus lift. Proceed to the implantation of teeth will be possible only after a few months.

Open sinus lift imposes the following restrictions on the patient:

  • The patient must refuse hot, cold and solid foods.
  • You can not fly on the plane.
  • It is forbidden to visit the sauna and bath.
  • It is impossible to go in for sports, and also serious physical activities are excluded.
  • It is forbidden to blow your nose and sneeze loudly.

The duration of the restrictions for each patient are determined individually.

Bone grafting in the recovery of gums

Plastic before prostheticsRoot Recession - A serious problem, since the enamel covering them is not intended to come into contact with food and saliva. In addition, the exposed roots of the teeth look ugly and create psychological discomfort.

In that case, the gum has sunk due to atrophy of the jawbone, then the only effective way to eliminate the defect is bone grafting. There are several ways to enlarge the gum:

  • Osteoplasty.
  • Replanting bone block.
  • With the help of sinus lifting.
  • Direct gum regeneration.

All the above procedures are surgical interventionswho are appointed after a full examination. For the speedy recovery of the gums, special proteins are used to accelerate cell growth procedures.

In addition, to restore the gums, you can resort to the following folk remedies:

  • Massage the gums with a soft baby toothbrush.
  • Massage gums with a mixture of soda and water.
  • Rinsing the mouth with special medicinal compositions.
  • Treatment of gums with decoction of nettle, chamomile, sage.
  • The use of lotions on the gums.

Complications when building bone

What can be complications after tissue buildupBuild bone is safe. Almost all the complications of bone grafting occur. due to a violation of technology by doctors surgical intervention.

With directed tissue regeneration and replanting of the bone block, membrane exposure may occur through the sutures. In this case, the wound becomes inflamed. When using the method of bone grafting, if the speed of vascularization is violated, then one or several blocks can be completely rejected. When the membrane is exposed and rejected, the gingiva must be re-opened and all implanted materials removed. Repeated bone grafting with such complications is possible only after a couple of months.

Bone blocks can lose their volume in the process of embedding in the jaw bone, and sometimes already established bone block comes off in the process of installing a tooth implant. In both cases, a case requires a second operation.

Cost of bone tissue surgery

The cost of bone material implantation depends on the method chosen, the amount of intervention and the bone material chosen.

For example, with directed tissue regeneration within 3 teeth, the patient will be forced to pay for the operation itself without the cost of materials on average 30,000 rubles. The membrane will cost another 10 000 rubles. The price for high-quality bone material starts from 8 500 rubles.

The method of replanting the bone block is even more expensive. Cost of material collection operation is at the level of 35 000 rubles. For the subsequent infusion of the block, 55,000 rubles will have to be paid.

The lowest price for a sinus lift is 15,000 rubles.


