A lost tooth can not only spoil the smile, but also deliver many inconveniences and problems over time. This is especially true of chewing crowns, the absence of which increases the load on opposite and adjacent teeth.
As a result, they become loose, the bite changes, and caries develops faster. This problem can be solved with the help of implantation, which today is the newest progressive method for the restoration of lost teeth.
What is dental implantation
Implantation is an operation to install in the jaw tissue. special dental pinwhich will play the role of the root. Later a crown is attached to this pin, and the resulting durable construction completely replaces the lost tooth.
The implant resembles the root of a tooth and is made from high quality titanium. The material used is hypoallergenic and does not cause any complications in patients.
After survival of the artificial root on him abutment is installed - This is the intermediate part between the implant and the crown. Approximately 99% of implants successfully take root, without causing any complications.
Indications for implantation
The absence of the last teeth in the series. To restore several chewing teeth, either a removable denture or implants are used. Moreover, the removable denture does not normally fix on anything. This means that he will constantly hang out and fall out. Therefore, the best way to install implants.
Lack of one or several teeth. Implants can be chosen as an alternative to a dental prosthesis, during the installation of which adjacent teeth are ground. Implantation allows them to keep whole and healthy, which will extend their service life.
Even high-quality crowns will need to be changed every ten years, and it is not known whether the adjacent teeth can be used for re-prosthetics. Therefore, implants are the best choice.
Total absence of teeth. Removable dentures in the absence of teeth are fixed poorly, and when talking and chewing may fall. For their better fixation, mini-implants were created. From two to four such implants are implanted in the jaw, and prostheses are securely fixed on their protruding fragments. These dental constructions began to be called conditionally removable dentures.
How does the implantation of teeth
Dental implantation, like any operation, begins with a comprehensive examination of the patient. It is necessary to undergo a general examination by a therapist, since in some diseases the operation to install implants is contraindicated.
The dentist must appoint an orthopantomogram, with which he will determine the condition of the bone tissue. If necessary computed tomography is done.
And also the doctor should prescribe a series of tests:
- general blood analysis;
- protombin time;
- INR, prothrombin;
- fibrinogen;
- bleeding time and clotting time;
- blood biochemistry;
- blood glucose;
- antibodies to hepatitis C virus antigens, hepatitis B virus surface antigen, anti-cardiolipin test for syphilis; antibodies to HIV;
- general urine analysis.
If all tests are normal and there are no contraindications, the dentist will schedule the implantation time. The implantation operation can occur by two methods - one stage and classical two stage.
Single stage dental implants
This technique uses a special dental design, which is installed in the basal bone. It is located deeper than the cancellous bone, therefore it has a greater density and is practically not subject to atrophy.
The operation takes place under local anesthesia and is performed. immediately after tooth extraction. In the bone tissue, the dental canal expands and a dental prosthesis is installed. On the same day, a temporary crown is installed on the head projecting beyond the gum edge.
This method allows you to immediately restore the functional load of the teeth. Advantages of single-stage implantation:
- The implant and the crown are installed in one visit to the dentist.
- The operation takes only a few hours.
- During the procedure, do not use high doses of anesthesia.
- No additional cuts are required, as the dental screw is installed in the ready hole.
- A short recovery period after surgery.
- The procedure is minimally invasive.
- The dental constructions implanted in a single-step method can serve as the basis for crowns, byugelny prostheses, bridges.
Classical dental implantation
This is the most popular surgery among patients. It occurs in two stages. At the surgical stage in the bone implant insertedwhich, prior to the installation of the crown, must be bonded to the bone within one to six months. To expose the bone tissue, the gingival mucosa is cut.
With the help of special drills and a physiodispenser a hole is made in the bone tissue. The implant is inserted into the resulting hole, and the gingival mucosa is sutured.
During the procedure, the surgeon ensures that the bone does not get very hot, as this can cause an inflammatory process and lead to rejection of the prosthesis. To prevent overheating, bone tissue is drilled during drilling. cooled with saline.
In patients who have lost teeth for a long time, the bone tissue may not have sufficient width and height for implantation. In this case, the surgeon using artificial or natural bone mass increases the alveolar process. This procedure can last more than one month.
At the second stage of classical implantation prosthesis is going on. To do this, first of all, in a newly cut gum, to give it the desired contour, a special design is screwed. After about two to three weeks, an abutment is placed on the implant. After this, the prosthetist prepares the crown and fixes it with the help of cement or screw fixing.
The advantages of classical implantation include:
- In 99% of cases, the dental prosthesis takes root well and serves the patient to the end of life.
- The teeth adjacent to the implant are not depulpable, are not ground and are not ground.
- The design is collapsible, so if you need to replace the crown, you can easily.
- Phased installation allows the rod to gain a foothold in the jaw bone, and the body to adapt to a foreign body.
- With the help of classical implantation, it is possible to restore both the front and chewing teeth.
- You can restore one, some or all lost teeth.
- The implant is fed a uniform load, which is distributed throughout the jaw.
The disadvantages of classical implantation:
- difficult postoperative period, during which chewing functions may be impaired and swelling and pain may appear;
- high cost of the procedure;
- risk of rejection of a foreign body;
- extensive list of contraindications;
- probability of violation of the appearance of the gums;
- a long time, which is allotted for the entire procedure and the restoration of bone tissue.
Contraindications to implantation
The operation to install implants has quite a few contraindications, which are divided into absolute, general and relative.
Absolute contraindications. The list of contraindications for which it is absolutely impossible to carry out the installation of implants is as follows:
- Problems with immunity, in which poorly heal wounds after surgery.
- Disturbed blood clotting.
- Malignant tumors. Surgical procedures can cause neoplasia.
- Diseases of the nervous system. Psychologically unbalanced patients during a long process will not be able to adequately perceive the recommendations of the doctor, which must be performed during treatment and in the care of structures.
- Pathology of connective tissue. Around the implant connective tissue must grow normally, otherwise the operation does not make sense.
- Diabetes mellitus of the first type.
- Hypertonus of the masticatory muscles. With the wrong position of the lower jaw, it is impossible to choose a suitable design and crown.
- Tuberculosis in the open form.
General contraindications include:
- intolerance to anesthesia;
- depletion of the body;
- diseases for which the installation of the prosthesis may have an impact;
- general contraindications for surgery;
- chronic stress syndrome;
- taking immuno and antidepressants.
Relative contraindications for implantation
Contraindications of relative nature include:
- Pregnancy in the first and third trimester.
- Inflammatory diseases of the gums.
- Dental stones and caries. Before implantation, the dentist must clean up the oral cavity, remove stones from the enamel and cure all carious teeth.
- Smoking. People who smoke a lot can suffer from inflammation in the mouth. In addition, they have poorly healed wounds.
- Chronic alcoholism. In patients with alcoholism, wound healing practically does not occur.
- Addiction.
- Arthritis or arthrosis of the temporomandibular joint.
- Defects of the jaw in which to implant the implant in the bone tissue will be problematic.
- Malocclusion. Put the design in this case, you can, however, over time, it is shaken.
When implantation of teeth, as with any operation, there is a risk of complications. Most often this is due to the mistakes of the doctor, who, for example, can install a too long dental prosthesis. Therefore, implantation should be carried out An experienced dentist in a proven clinic with a good reputation.