How to keep gums healthy

Almost every person faces inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity. The cause of the development of inflammatory diseases can be various factors that weaken the body's defenses, for example, prolonged use of antibiotics or hormonal drugs. Also provoke a problem can stress, smoking, wearing dentures, mucosal injury, dehydration, hormonal disruptions.


The earliest phase of inflammation is gingivitis. It will almost certainly occur in a person who does not pay enough attention to oral hygiene. Along the gingival margin, plaque accumulates, mainly consisting of various microorganisms, inorganic substances and saliva components. After some time, it hardens and turns into tartar. Gums redden, swell, bleed. As a rule, at this stage a person does not experience pain, but can observe traces of blood while brushing his teeth or eating. Further development of inflammation leads to destructive damage to the structures surrounding the root of the tooth (periodontitis). Plaque and stone deposits go into the gum pocket, deepening it. Microorganisms penetrate the space between the wall of the bone alveoli and the root of the tooth. Anaerobic microflora begins to multiply actively. In the absence of adequate measures, this can lead to complete loss of a tooth.


A very common oral disease is stomatitis. When it appears on the mucous membrane appear small, but rather painful sores. If left untreated, the disease can become chronic. Especially often, people wearing dentures suffer from this problem. The fact is that their use worsens the blood flow, disrupts the natural stimulation and the self-cleaning mechanism of the gums. Salivation decreases, and this leads to a rapid increase in bacterial plaque. The condition of the mucous membrane worsens, an unpleasant breath from the mouth and numerous sores appear.

In the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity, it is necessary, first of all, to eliminate infectious agents. The most convenient remedy is topical dental gel. To ensure high efficiency, it must contain active antimicrobial components. Chlorhexidine is the “gold standard” of periodontology. This antiseptic acts against a wide range of microorganisms: fungi, vegetative forms of gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria, lipophilic viruses and dermatophytes. The antibacterial agent metronidazole contributes to the destruction of anaerobic bacteria and protozoa that cause periodontitis. The gel base provides the drug with high adhesion, which allows long-term effect on the affected area.

The Russian pharmaceutical company "Altaivitamin" represents Dentamet dental gel.


Advantages of dental gel DENTAMET:

  • Contains metronidazole and chlorhexidine in increased therapeutic dosage.
  • Due to the original adhesive base, it is well fixed in the lesion and provides a long-lasting effect.
  • Available in a large tube (25 grams), which contains a sufficient amount of the drug for a therapeutic or prophylactic course.

Dentamet dental gel is applied topically. After hygienic cleaning of teeth, the preparation is applied to the affected area twice a day for 7-10 days. After application, you must refrain from eating and drinking for half an hour. In order to prevent such courses can be held 2-3 times a year. And, of course, in no case should we forget about oral hygiene.

Dentamet dental gel has successfully passed clinical trials on the basis of leading dental clinics in Russia. The drug was awarded the Sign of Approval of the Dental Association of Russia.


