Good quality gels for teeth whitening: the price in pharmacies

Description of popular teeth whitening systemsEach person dreams of a beautiful snow-white smile, but not everyone can afford professional whitening. And in order to become the owner of a truly Hollywood snow-white smile, there is no need to go to the dentist.

You can whiten your teeth not only with the help of dental products, but also at home. If you do everything according to the instructions, you can achieve an excellent result. And one of the popular whitening products used in the home is a special whitening gel for teeth.

It is recommended to use them with the use of special transparent caps. As a rule, they are standard, but you can order individual caps from your dentist. With their help, the result will be more efficient and the procedure safe.

How to use the teeth whitening gel

Before you begin to use, it is recommended to read the instructions for the gel, but, as a rule, the meaning is as follows: in the evening before bedtime you must carefully apply the gel in caps, then put them on your teeth and leave them until morning.

  • Instructions for applying teeth whitening gelIf you want to whiten your teeth in several tones, this will require from 5 to 14 procedures.
  • The duration of the effect of bleaching is up to six months. In addition, you should take into account that if you have fillings and artificial crowns, then the gel has no effect on them.

How safe is the use of teeth whitening gel?

Features of the action of the whitening gel and substances in its composition on the teethThe main active ingredient of any bleaching agent is concentrated hydrogen peroxide, through which you can remove from the surface of the enamel plaque of various origin. And you can notice a positive result after the first procedure. And having done a few procedures, you can whiten your teeth for a few tones.

It is also very important to bear in mind that the concentration of hydrogen peroxide in home-use bleaching agents can vary considerably and vary within from 4% to 7.5%. Accordingly, the period of exposure to the enamel depends on a certain whitening agent.

If carbamide peroxide (10–15%) is included in the bleaching agent as a whitening component, such agents have a less active effect on the teeth, but they also not so dangerous for enamel.

The principle of the effect of hydrogen peroxide and carbamide peroxide is similar. When any of these products come into contact with the tooth enamel, active oxygen is released, resulting in whitening of the enamel.

If the preparation includes such abrasive substances as soda, then such gels can lead to thinning of the enamel. In addition, enamel can have a detrimental effect acids that make up whitening gel that can cause tooth sensitivity.

Before you start bleaching with a gel, however good or expensive it is, you must consult a dentist, since only a specialist can accurately assess the condition of the tooth enamel.

Benefits of using a whitening gel

  1. You can perfectly whiten your teeth in a short period of time.
  2. Capa can be put on the night, which, in turn, saves the time allotted for the procedure.
  3. On sale you can find gels, the exposure time which can be only a few minutes.

Contraindications and disadvantages of using the tooth whitening gel

To carry out teeth whitening in this way is contraindicated:

  • Contraindications to the use of teeth whitening productsPersons whose age has not yet reached the age of 16;
  • pregnant women;
  • people suffering from diseases such as periodontal disease and caries;
  • persons with damaged tooth enamel;
  • when using bracket-systems, in this case, you will not be able to achieve a good result, because bleaching in this case occurs unevenly.

Cons of gel for teeth whitening:

  • The main part of the negative effects of gel preparations for whitening tooth enamel is associated with non-compliance with contraindications or with improper use.
  • If the enamel is damaged, it can trigger an increase in tooth sensitivity.
  • If the gel got on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, irritation is possible, and in some cases even a burn.
  • If there is an individual intolerance of at least one of the components of this tool, allergy is not excluded.

Types of teeth whitening gels

To date, already developed: tools for use with caps. Pencil - it can be used several times a day and almost anywhere thanks to its convenient form. The following brands are in great demand now:

  1. List of popular teeth whitening systems and productsWhite Light - brightening tooth enamel with the White Light light system occurs with two types of whitening gels and light radiation, which activates the components of the gels.
  2. Expert Whitening is the most effective whitening agent that comes with different levels of hydrogen peroxide concentration. Strong gels include products with a concentration of 44%.
  3. Smile 4 You - one of the most expensive, and very good tool. In addition, the high price is quite justified. First, it lasts about two hundred applications for a long time. Secondly, the caps are attached to the gel.
  4. Opalescence boost gels are often used by dentists, as there is a huge choice depending on the level of concentration, which, in turn, provides the ability to whiten the teeth of patients, taking into account the features of enamel thickness.
  5. Colgate teeth whitening gels. The tool is designed for use within one year. But the result, as a rule, is already noticeable after applying for two weeks.
  6. Day White Excel ACP is a fairly effective bleaching agent. It is produced in several concentrations, which affects the efficiency and cost.
  7. Pola Day, in contrast to other means, has antibacterial properties and helps to prevent the formation of plaque.
  8. Lumibrite funds are a budget tool. It takes only about three minutes to carry out the procedure, and now, after 14 daily procedures, your teeth become white.

Prices in pharmacies for teeth whitening gels

  • The price of whitening gels and systems for teeth in pharmaciesprice of gel for teeth whitening ExpertWhitening starts at 1 thousand rubles and above;
  • the cost of the tooth whitening product Pola Day varies from 450 to 500 rubles;
  • Opalescence tooth whitening gel - from 400 rubles and more;
  • The price of Colgate whitening gel starts at 900 rubles and above;
  • Day White Excel ACP teeth whitening gel cost starts from 450 rubles and more;
  • The price in the pharmacy of the White Light teeth whitening system starts from 500 rubles and above.

This list does not contain the entire range of bleaching agents, but only the most famous and common, which can only be purchased in pharmacies in your city.

So, if you do not know how to choose a good tool for teeth whitening, then first of all start with a visit to the dentist. You should not choose a tool based on its price and reviews. Each case is individual. Only the specialist will be able to pick up for you a suitable tool after inspection of the teeth. And, of course, do not forget to read the instructions on the package.


