Why do I need to get rid of white spots on a child’s tooth?

White spotsWhite spots on the tooth represent an external visible defect that occurs quite often. They may be spotted or flaky-shaped, or look like a thin longitudinal groove. They stand out on the general body of the tooth with their contrasting, bright white color.

Such a problem, unfortunately, occurs not only in adults, but also in children. Since the child, especially at a young age, does not pay any attention to such defects, the control over the oral cavity and the timely response to the appearance of white spots on the teeth lie completely on its parents.

Causes of white spots

Appeared white spot on tooth a child or an adult maybe a sign of the initial stage of caries. But there are other, more serious reasons why these spots may appear. Further, they will be discussed in more detail.

Initial stage of caries

White spots and caries on the teethQuite often, cretaceous white spots on the tooth signal the beginning of caries. By and large, this stain is a section of enamel, which has become demineralized and represents the already damaged surface layer. During this period, the enamel in the places of defeat becomes softer and rough. This section of the tooth becomes matt, unlike healthy enamel, ceases to shine and therefore becomes visually noticeable.


Fluorosis is the opposite of demineralization. It occurs when the body is observed excess fluorine. It can occur for various reasons, among which are:

  • Dental fluorosisfrequent use of carious pastes;
  • work in hazardous industries;
  • drinking high fluoride water.

The last cause of the development of fluorosis occurs most often and, as a rule, affects more weak teeth of a child. This disease can manifest itself not only in the form of white spots. Fluorosis have different forms:

  • destructive;
  • stroke;
  • erosive;
  • spotty;
  • cretaceous-speckled.

This disease tends to appear gradually and has three main stages:

  1. Dashed (initial) - appears usually on upper teeth in the form of a white strip;
  2. The strips begin to expand up to the shape of the spots. In a very small child, this stage appears immediately after the appearance of teeth.
  3. At the last stage of development fluorosis, spots from white turn to brown, brown or yellow. The enamel begins to rub off on the affected teeth, dentin may be exposed.

Such a manifestation of the disease in both a child and an adult can not be ignored and allowed to drift. It is absolutely necessary to get rid of white spots at the initial stage and of fluorosis itself. In the future, this disease will not only damage the teeth, but also lead to other serious problems:

  • cancer;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • osteoporosis.

Enamel hypoplasia

This disease can also be one of the reasons for the appearance of white spots on the tooth. The main cause of its development is impaired metabolic processes in the human body.

If such a problem appeared in a very young child, then, most likely, during pregnancy, his mother suffered from toxicosis or suffered a viral illness. In this case, hypoplasia appears on the baby’s front teeth. If the disease appeared on permanent teeth, it is necessary to conduct a survey of the child and exclude the presence of possible diseases that could lead to metabolic disorders:

  • What does tooth hypoplasia look like?chronic somatic diseases;
  • brain diseases;
  • toxic dyspepsia;
  • infectious diseases;
  • rickets.

It is possible to determine the enamel hypoplasia by its main symptoms. These include:

  • white, sometimes yellow, smooth tooth stains;
  • on the enamel point holes may be observed;
  • there may be places on the tooth where there is no enamel;
  • the teeth acquire a strange, unnatural shape.

How can I get rid of stains

As a result, it becomes clear that one of the symptoms that signal possible problems in the body may be a white spot on the tooth. How to get rid of this problem can tell the doctor, who found out the true cause of the stain. That is why, with the appearance of white spots on the tooth, especially in a child, it is necessary to consult a doctor in any case. Depending on the diagnosis, methods of treatment and how to get rid of blemishes may differ from each other.

Early Caries Treatment

Caries photoIf the cause of the problem was recognized caries, then to treat you need it even on baby teeth. To eliminate the problem, the following procedures can be performed in the dental office:

Fluorosis Problem Solving

One of the main actions taken in the case of fluorosis is the constant control of fluoride in the body and the childand an adult. To facilitate this process of control is possible by taking the following measures:

  • use water filters;
  • stop using fluoride pastes;
  • reduce the consumption of certain foods (eggs, fish, fatty meats, walnuts);
  • take vitamins and various calcium and magnesium supplements.

These measures should be carried out at home, in everyday life, as additional. In terms of dentistry, there are their own methods of dealing with fluorosis. They depend on the degree of development of the disease.

In case of spotted, dashed and cretaceous forms, remineralizing therapy is carried out. During this treatment, tooth saturation occurs. necessary phosphorus and calcium. Typically, remineralization occurs through procedures such as electrophoresis and photophoresis.

At all other, later stages, the restoration of enamel is possible to produce only with the help of composite materials.

Treatment and prevention of hypoplasia

Unfortunately, hypoplasia is recognized as an irreversible process. Her treatment occurs symptomatically and, as a rule, consists in the reconstruction and cosmetic restoration of enamel. To prevent its possible development in a child, during pregnancy, it is recommended to adhere to the following tips:

  • to avoid taking antibiotics as much as possible;
  • do not use drugs tetracycline;
  • eat well;
  • provide good nutrition to the newborn.

In case of detection of hypoplasia in a child with milk teeth, it is recommended perform the silvering of teeth or cover them with a special protective agent. These measures are taken in order to keep the child's tooth until a permanent one appears in its place.

Both for children and adults, a special diet is recommended if hypoplasia is found. It must saturate the body with calcium so that the destruction process does not progress.


