One of the unpleasant diseases of the oral cavity is the tooth granuloma. A cavity with purulent contents is formed near the root of the tooth. In a small purulent bag, all conditions have been created for the development of an infection that, without prompt treatment, can harm the tooth and its root.
In time to diagnose the granuloma is problematic. Due to the small size of the granulomas, a false perception of its safety for humans may occur, however, this small formation can provoke a whole group of complications.
Those who have experienced unbearable pain due to flux or phlegmon will understand that it is imperative to treat any diseases of the teeth, because the granuloma can lead to more serious problems such as fistula, cyst or sepsis. In addition, against the background of dental granulomas, some heart and kidney diseases can be exacerbated.
What makes the tooth granuloma
Dental granuloma can appear for many reasons. This is a commonplace cold, accompanied by fever and a decrease in immune protection. Exercising, hypothermia, stressful situations.
Doctors do not write off such a disease as periodontitis. Many of them agree that inflammation of the circulatory tissues can be the beginning of such an unpleasant phenomenon as a tooth granuloma.
The gums that frame the aching tooth are infected, which creates a favorable environment for purulent processes. The entry of pathogenic microbes into the root of a tooth is possible even in the early stages of periodontitis. This can lead to the rapid formation of a dental abscess.
And also one of the causes of granulomas can be pulpitis. According to statistics, it is one of the main provoking factors. When inflamed root nerve, the risk of the formation of a purulent sac, called granuloma, increases immediately.
It is worth noting that jaw injuries are associated with the emergence of granulomas. During the trauma of the jaws and tissues adjacent to them, conditions are created for the spread of infection in the tooth root.
Medical errors often cause tooth granulomas. Failure to observe the sterility of the instrument and the carelessness of the dentist are capable of producing many undesirable consequences. During medical manipulations and nerve removal, an infection can be introduced that will give rise to the appearance of a similar pathology.
The mechanism of formation of granulomas and its forms
The process of forming a granular nodule consists of four stages, each of which has its own specifics:
- At the first stage, cells called young monocytic phagocytes accumulate in the damaged tissue.
- Further, these cellular structures begin to mature and transform into macrophages. The inflammatory lesion in the form of a nodule at this stage is called macrophage granuloma.
- At the third stage, macrophages together with monocytic phagocytes are transformed into epitheliod cells. The formation that is formed is called epithelial cell granuloma.
- At the final stage, epithelioid cells are fused with macrophages, resulting in giant cells. They are called cells of Pirogov-Langhans. Now granuloma is designated as giant cell or epithelioid cell.
Once the granuloma has formed, necrosis in some cases develops in its place. The fabric in this area dies. In some situations arises hardening of the inflamed tissue. In place of the inflammatory focus appears connective tissue.
Like any other disease, granuloma exists in several forms:
- Simple form. This is the early stage of the formation of granulomas, where it is just a separate process, not connected to other areas.
- Complicated form. Detected after late treatment. If at the initial stage the gum tissues do not germinate deep into the granulomas, the chronic form is marked by such a phenomenon.
Clinical development of the disease
It often happens that a serious and serious illness does not manifest itself for a long time. It is also inherent in dental granule. Man a long time noticing any obvious symptoms, does not feel discomfort in the aching tooth, while the disease is gaining momentum.
Sudden acute pain and severe swelling gums can make you think about the presence of granulomas. Find out whether the tooth has undergone the insidious effects of the granulomas, only an experienced dentist who is able to examine the pathology on the X-ray.
The main symptoms inherent in the granuloma of the tooth:
- severe toothache, aggravated by chewing food;
- swelling of the gums is not typical for all cases;
- sometimes gingival bleeding may occur, in particular when brushing teeth;
- discoloration of tooth enamel, usually darkening;
- slight displacement of the tooth;
- jaw protrusion;
- the appearance of purulent discharge in the area of the tooth;
- With a complex form of the disease, a high body temperature is possible.
It is disturbing that these symptoms, indicating the development of granulomas, manifest themselves only at a progressive stage of the disease.
Diagnostic methods
It is not always possible to detect a tooth granuloma during a routine examination in the doctor's office because of its small size and the absence of obvious symptoms. Externally, the affected chewing organ may be no different from healthy teeth.
The presence of granulomas may indicate a clinical picture, manifested by pain due to the growth and suppuration of the site of infection. To clarify the diagnosis patient goes to x-ray. In some cases, use of modern diagnostic device - radioviziograf.
Treatment of tooth granulomas
The granuloma is successfully treated with conservative methods, in separate episodes with the help of laser therapy, when tooth extraction is not required. Most often required to produce a professional endodontic processing of dental canals, which includes cleaning, antiseptic washing, production of a new seal.
The dentist must ensure that the sealed canals are airtight and that bacteria cannot enter. In the future, the doctor monitors the condition of the tooth and its surrounding tissues.
Six months later, the patient is prescribed check X-ray, on the basis of which make a conclusion about the success of therapy. In the event that the growth of the neoplasm has stopped, and the focus of inflammation has ceased, the treatment is stopped. With continued growth of pathology, there is the likelihood of a cyst, which should be removed by the surgeon in a hospital.
When the canal treatment of the tooth does not bring the desired result, then apply surgery. Through the outer wall, through the bone, access to the dental root. Next, the granuloma is scraped. Carefully treated with antibacterial solutions place of its attachment, sutured mucous membrane.
In some cases, the root tip is infected, so it has to be cut off. As a result, bone recovery occurs, and the life of the tooth is not reduced. Sometimes not do without complete removal of the tooth root. Today it is a very common dental surgery.
For this, the required root is removed together with the crown, and a prosthesis is placed if the remaining roots are able to withstand the necessary loads. Many dentists prescribe antibiotics to their patients for the treatment of tooth granulomas. As practice shows, this does not solve the problem entirely, but only inhibits inflammatory processes.
The main thing in treatment is eliminate the source of inflammationso that the disease does not return again. Physiotherapy has a special place in the treatment of granulomas. For example, depophoresis has a healing effect when teeth are twisted, when the canals have a complex structure.
The therapeutic effect is due to the effect of weak electric currents on the suspension of copper hydroxide, by which inflammation is reduced. Depophoresis has good permeability to all parts of the tooth.
If the tooth granuloma is removed, and the pain does not pass and it is impossible to touch the tooth, then it is necessary re-visit the doctor. Often after surgery, patients complain of toothache.
Painful sensations can accompany a person for a very long time, so you need to make sure that there is no inflammation, and the nature of this pain is residual, not associated with other problems of the oral cavity.
Methods of traditional medicine for the treatment of granulomas
If you recognize a tooth granuloma in time, the probability of recovery is automatically increased with the help of only traditional medicine recipes. We must not forget that folk remedies are not a panacea, but sometimes the doctor may advise to reinforce the effect of drugs. additional natural therapy.
Before using the recipes, you should always consult with your doctor to avoid individual intolerance and allergic reactions. For dental granulomas, the following recipes have proven themselves:
- Propolis tincture and calamus must be mixed in equal proportions. Each medicinal infusion to take 10 ml. The resulting solution to rinse the mouth twice a day for 5 minutes.
- Take 40 grams of sage, 40 grams of chamomile, 60 grams of eucalyptus mix and pour boiling water, leave for two hours. This antiseptic infusion is suitable for two times rinsing.
- Separate the egg white from the yolk and mix with 30 grams of sea salt, add 400 ml of water. Rinse your mouth after every meal.
- 3 grams of oak bark, 40 grams of calendula flowers, 30 grams of nut leaves pour hot water. Rinse your mouth with food after cooling.
- 40 grams of celandine tincture are mixed with 40 grams of glycerin and 40 grams of vegetable oil. The mixture applied to a cotton swab is applied to the diseased area.
- 40 grams of chamomile drug, 40 grams of sage, 40 grams of calendula mix and pour into a mixture of 500 ml of vodka. Put in a dark place for a week. Then the resulting infusion filter and rinse their mouth after a meal.
Consequences of untreated tooth granulomas
Even taking into account the fact that an inflamed area is rarely more than 5 mm, a tooth granuloma can produce such complications:
- Cyst. Cystic tooth formation consists of granulation tissue, which is surrounded by a capsule. It replaces dead tissue and carries no less danger than granuloma.
- Fistula. The fistula channel connects the inflammatory focus with the cavity to remove mucus, pus, serous fibrous fluid.
- Periostitis. The inflammatory reaction affects the periosteum.
- Osteomyelitis. The inflammatory process is found in the bones of the jaw.
- Infectious-inflammatory processes in internal organs
- Septic blood poisoning
Granuloma is very insidious and dangerous disease, since at first it proceeds without obvious signs and is fraught with many complications.But if you pay due attention to oral hygiene and attend preventive examinations, the chances of facing this disease will be minimized.