Teeth whitening with activated carbon at home

Teeth whitening methodsToday, there are many different ways to make your smile snow white. This is expensive dental whitening, and all sorts of gels for home use. One of the most common and cheapest ways to achieve the white color of teeth is the use of activated carbon. With it, you can easily whiten tooth enamel at home.

The principle of action of activated carbon

Activated carbon - photo pillsHaving absorbing and filtering properties, coal, when in contact with tooth enamel, begins dissolve a dark patina on it, that is, act on the abrasive principle. The particles of coal do not absorb the deposit, and together with the microparticles are rigidly removed from the enamel. Such a procedure may seem rather harmful. In fact, it is less safe to use hydrogen peroxide with soda. Activated carbon does not irritate the mucous membranes of the mouth and gums, and when ingested does not entail any negative effects. Even in the case of a violation of concentration, burns of the mucous membrane will not.

The only lack of bleaching with coal at home, its mechanical effect on enamel is considered, during which microscopic cracks may appear. As a result, after such procedures, the teeth become sensitive.

Advantages of folk methods

The advantage of using activated carbon for teeth whitening is:

  1. Activated carbon will help clean the tooth enamelThe procedure is simple and does not require any specific skills and expensive equipment.
  2. Bleaching can be done at home.
  3. To whiten your teeth with activated carbon in three ways, choosing the most convenient one.
  4. Coal can be purchased at any pharmacy.
  5. It is worth a penny product, so whitening with its use the family budget will not undermine.
  6. Using the drug strictly according to the instructions is safe for health, even if coal gets into the stomach.

Additional advantage of using activated carbon is that its combined use with a decoction of oak bark will make a more pronounced result and strengthen the gums.

Teeth Whitening with Activated Carbon

At home, whiten tooth enamel in three ways:

  1. Use charcoal tablets as chewing gum.
  2. make charcoal powder for brushing your teeth.
  3. Use the drug with toothpaste.

Before proceeding with the bleaching procedure, it is necessary to check the duration of the activated carbon. An overdue drug not only does not help whiten your teeth, but can also lead to poisoning of the body.

Method number 1

Like chewing gum Activated carbon at home you can use daily for 4-7 minutes. To do this, take 1-2 tablets and just start to chew them. After the procedure, the mouth must be thoroughly rinsed until complete removal of the powder from the teeth.

How to whiten your teeth at homeThis is a very convenient method of bleaching, because you can use it anywhere and at any time of the day. In this case, the chewing of coal will contribute to the whitening of the tooth enamel, as well as the removal of an unpleasant smell from the oral cavity.

Broth bark of oak and chamomile also have bleaching properties, so they are recommended to be used as a conditioner after chewing coal.These plants disinfect the oral cavity and help strengthen the gums.

Method number 2

Use carbon powder should only after brushing your teeth ordinary toothpaste. For the manufacture of bleaching materials at home a couple of tablets of coal must be crushed to a powder. Then you should dip a toothbrush moistened with water into the resulting powder and carefully brush your teeth. To eliminate residual powder mouth rinsed with boiled water.

Some drops added to coal powder tea tree oil will enhance the effect of the whitening procedure, as the oil also has a whitening effect. In addition, it is an anti-inflammatory agent. In extreme cases, you can add any other vegetable oil.

Recipe: activated charcoal and lemon for teeth whiteningThere are bleaching recipes in which coal powder mixed with lemon juice. However, lemon juice is an aggressive substance and its use can lead to the destruction of enamel. And if you mix it with activated charcoal, you can get such an aggressive mixture, after one application of which the teeth will become very sensitive to low and hot temperatures. Therefore, in no case should it be used.

Instead of toothpaste coal powder can be used alone or only with vegetable oil. The main thing is that after the procedure one should not forget to carefully wash off the remains of coal from the teeth.

Method number 3

To prepare the bleaching composition is necessary take a tube of toothpaste and 10 tablets of activated carbon. The tablets are crushed to a powder and thoroughly mixed with a paste in a dry container with a screw cap.

You can mix toothpaste and activated carbon immediately before use. To do this, the paste is squeezed onto the brush and sprinkled with powder from coal.

The obtained carbon toothpaste teeth should be cleaned for two minutes several times a day.

After such whitening procedures are not recommended drink drinks and eat coloring foods for half an hour. Therefore, brushing your teeth with coal paste is best on a full stomach.

Some useful tips

When using activated carbon to whiten teeth at home, the following recommendations should be followed:

  1. To reduce the aggressiveness of the impact, tablets should be crushed to a powder. Large inclusions should not be.
  2. Teeth whitening - photo before and afterIt is recommended to use a soft bristled toothbrush. A hard toothbrush can increase the risk of enamel destruction. To clean the teeth, you can use a cotton swab, a wet gauze pad or fingertips.
  3. In the normal state of enamel bleaching with activated carbon can be carried out once a week. If the teeth are sensitive, they can be cleaned no more than once every ten days.
  4. Between the procedures should be strenuously care for your teeth. To do this, daily used toothpastes, which include minerals. Meals should be high in phosphorus, protein and calcium.
  5. If after carrying out the whitening procedures, white or matte spots appear on the teeth, then the enamel is exhausted. In order to avoid the development of caries, it is necessary to consult a dentist.
  6. If the coal remains are not removed with water, you can use a toothpick.
  7. "Black marks" on the tooth enamel indicate the presence of cracks on it, which after the procedures will increase. Therefore, whitening should stop and turn to the dentist.


Procedures with the use of carbon powder is not recommended:

  1. Small children, because they still have weak and weak enamel.
  2. People with sensitive teeth and fine enamel. It is best to consult your dentist before bleaching.
  3. Activated charcoal - recipes for teeth whiteningYou can not whiten your teeth for those who wear braces or just recently removed them.Additional stress on damaged enamel can lead to its destruction. After removing the braces, the enamel needs to be strengthened in any way possible within a few months. Only then can the procedures be carried out.
  4. It is not recommended to clean the dental implants with carbon powder. Artificial material from abrasion can change, and will stand out in the dentition.
  5. Do not use activated carbon for inflammation and ulcers in the mouth. They are symptoms of diseases that can worsen after the bleaching procedure.
  6. The use of activated carbon for bleaching is contraindicated for people with cavities and sore and bleeding gums.

It should be noted that teeth whitening at home With the help of activated carbon, each person has an individual reaction. Some after just a few procedures enjoy a snow-white smile, while others may have enamel or teeth become sensitive. Therefore, during the bleaching procedures it is necessary to monitor the condition of your teeth and gums. If discomfort appears, it is better to refuse procedures or take a break.


