What teeth whitening gives the best results: reviews

Professional teeth whiteningWays to make your teeth brighter a lot. But what is the best teeth whitening? This article is the answer to this question.

At first glance, it is enough to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of one or another type of bleaching in order to understand which technology is better. In fact, everything is a bit more complicated. The fact is that each person's teeth are individual. Therefore, the final conclusion about the effectiveness of enamel lightening technology can only be based on feedback from patients of dental clinics.

Professional whitening

What do we see in the search results in the browser in response to the request: the best teeth whitening? There are hundreds, and perhaps thousands of thematic pages with tips from incomprehensible “specialists”, and sometimes even outright charlatans recommending the best teeth whitening. In this case, the advertised system must always be applied at home. Naturally, you should not trust such advisers, because home teeth whitening for safety and efficacy not able to match professional.

How to whiten your teethMy teeth are naturally yellow. For a long time I did not dare to make them brighter, but then bleaching strips caught my eye. Advertising on the package promised an excellent result, I led. I did everything according to the instructions. My teeth really got a little bit lighter, but along the way, I burned myself with strips of gum. They then hurt for a long time. A few months later she turned to a dentist. Only in the clinic I did a good whitening.

Ekaterina, Moscow

True professionals recommend whitening your teeth. exclusively in dental offices. Any folk remedies may give a good result in terms of teeth whitening, but they will surely damage the enamel surface.

What is the best whitening?

Dentistry offers several systems of professional teeth whitening. All of them are good. Everyone has advantages and disadvantages. So which system to choose? The one that gives the most pros and least cons. Therefore, each system should be evaluated by the following parameters:

  • Security.
  • Efficiency.
  • Speed.


It is relative new enamel brightening method, allowing you to work safely even with sensitive teeth. Bare roots, cracked enamel and even chipped do not interfere with photobleaching, as this technology has a healing effect and helps to restore damaged enamel. The feedback on this technology is overwhelmingly positive.

During dental treatment at the clinic, the dentist suggested that I lighten my teeth with photo-whitening after completing the procedures. I agreed. The whole procedure took 30 minutes and gave a great result. The only drawback - increased tooth sensitivity. The doctor said that in time this will pass.

Marina, Moscow

Photobleaching is carried out using a gel applied to the teeth. His dentist is irradiating special lamp. Ultraviolet activates the active substances in the gel due to which the enamel is clarified.

Photobleaching has the following advantages:

  • What method of teeth whitening gives the best resultsAllows you to work immediately with all your teeth.
  • The result achieved is maintained for several years.
  • There are no contraindications for photobleaching.
  • High speed to achieve the desired result.
  • No side effects.
  • Tooth enamel is not damaged.

When photobleaching you should not be afraid for ceramic, metal and plastic prostheses. They will not change their color.

The advantages of photobleaching can also be attributed to the low cost of the procedure.

Chemical bleaching

Honestly the chemical method little different from photobleaching. In both cases, a special whitening gel is used. But with the chemical method, no catalyst is required to activate the gel.

Chemical bleaching gives a positive effect only if there are no composite, ceramic or polymer inserts on the teeth. The fact is that the gel is able to work only with natural dentin. You should also consider the natural color of tooth enamel. When whitening yellow teeth, this method gives a good result, but the brown color is poorly amenable to chemical attack. Grayish enamel is not bleached by chemical method.

The main advantage of chemical bleaching - lack of heating teeth.

Every year I do chemical teeth whitening in the clinic. I love coffee, so the procedure has to be repeated often. I am quite pleased with the result, but after the fifth procedure the teeth became too sensitive.

Michael, Orel

Mechanical and ultrasonic whitening

After teeth whiteningSuch clarification gives a good result, but it cannot be called a full bleaching. The fact is that mechanically you can only remove deposits from the surface of the teeth. In essence, this is a professional teeth cleaning.

The most well-known mechanical bleaching technology is AirFlow. It looks like this: to the patient's teeth the nozzle is brought, from which a mixture of water, air and a very fine abrasive is fed under pressure. This jet quickly removes all unnecessary from the enamel and returns the original color to it.

Ultrasonic whitening is a more expensive mechanical option. With this method of cleaning the risk of damage to the enamel is minimal.

Mechanical and ultrasonic lightening does not allow making the enamel lighter than it was by nature.

Whiten teeth with ultrasound. The result is good. Along the way, the doctor cleaned the gum pockets. This is important to me, as sore gums are my problem.

Angelina, Saransk

Laser whitening

Popular teeth whitening methodsAt its core, laser brightening is a type of photobleaching. However, due to the fact that the catalyst for the active gel is a laser, dentists separately secrete this whitening system. The laser allows doctors to more accurately influence each tooth individually. That is, the whole clarification process becomes fully controllable, which is not the case with chemical and photo bleaching.

When using a laser beam, damage to the enamel or soft tissues of the oral cavity is excluded. The procedure is completely painless and allows you to get a very good result in a short time.

The advantages of the laser method:

  • This procedure strengthens the enamel.
  • The laser is safe.
  • It does not take much time.
  • Gives a good result.
  • Possesses bactericidal action and serves as an excellent prevention of caries.
  • The long term preservation of the achieved results - up to 10 years.

There is only one drawback to laser whitening - high cost of the procedure.

I decided to leave a review. Passed through five laser whitening procedures: I wanted to get the maximum lightening and got it. Friends scared that the procedure is rather unpleasant. Everything went well for me. If laser whitening causes discomfort, then I advise you to change the doctor. Good luck to all.

Maxim, Nizhny Novgorod


It's time to summarize. This article has reviewed the most common whitening system. Exotic and homemade versions of enamel brightening were not considered. What conclusion can be made by analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of all the considered methods? He is obvious.From the combination of pros and cons, dentists themselves consider laser whitening to be the best method of bleaching. It allows cope with any option of darkened enamelIt has no restrictions, it is completely safe. Of course, this type of bleaching is the most expensive, but the result is worth the money spent.


