What products can not be eaten after teeth whitening?

What can not be used after bleachingA snow-white smile and even teeth are in fashion now, so the procedure for teeth whitening is very popular. A beautiful smile attracts anyone. It is very important to follow all the rules after the procedure of teeth whitening. After teeth whitening, the dentist issues a special memo to any patient, which contains all the recommendations on nutrition. This diet is called the “white diet”.


The menu of the white diet, or else it is called transparent, includes those products that are able to stain the teeth, so they can not be used. What can not eat after teeth whitening? These products include:

  1. Chocolate and all drinks that contain cocoa. All sweets may contain dyes that can leave pigments on the enamel of the teeth and the result of lightening will be badly damaged. But if you are a sweet tooth, then you can eat marshmallows in small quantities.
  2. Freshly squeezed juices, red wine and juice. The composition of red wine includes many tannins and chromogens, which completely reduce the bleaching to zero.
  3. Coffee and strong tea. The composition of coffee includes dyes, which are easily able to penetrate into the structure of the tooth, so they immediately change their color. It is worth noting that dentists have found that enamel pigmentation from coffee is much stronger than from smoking. And tea itself is a dye, you might have noticed that strong tea can leave a dark border on the dishes, and it also affects tooth enamel. Moreover, the higher the temperature of the drink, the stronger the effect of the coloring matter. The tooth enamel can work not only black tea, but even green.
  4. Carbonated (painted) drinks, ice cream, everything that contains dyes. Drinks with gas contain a lot of acid, and the tooth enamel softens, which contributes to the penetration of the coloring pigment.
  5. Red sauces (soy, adjika). Not only red sauces can have a negative effect on teeth after bleaching, this also applies to balsamic vinegar. Also, do not add too much lemon juice or olive oil to your food.
  6. Vegetables that can also stain bleached teeth (beets, carrots). If you are a lover of curry, then you also need to limit its use during the white diet, because it changes the color of the enamel.
  7. Berries. If you have done bleaching in the season of berries and fruits, then they should also be abandoned. Blueberries, cherries, currants, cranberries can also paint the enamel in the appropriate shades.

Teeth whitening methodsUsually such a diet lasts no more than 48 hoursBut anyway, within 2 weeks the doctor may limit eating half of these products. If for some reason the patient still eats the prohibited product, then immediately you need to brush your teeth with toothpaste. Can I smoke after teeth whitening? The ban acts on smokers, after bleaching it is desirable to abandon this bad habit, or at least reduce the number of cigarettes smoked per day.

Dentists ask that after teeth lightening, patients pay attention to foods high in calcium and fluoride, and to those products that do not include coloring pigments.

After clarification, it is possible and necessary to eat the following:

  • sea ​​or river fish and any seafood;
  • asparagus;
  • cauliflower;
  • milk, cottage cheese and all dairy products;
  • celery;
  • cheese;
  • apples, bananas and pears.

Advantages and disadvantages of the diet

The diet after teeth whitening has its advantages and disadvantages, like any other diet. The advantages include the following:

  • preservation of the bleaching effect;
  • the ability to lose weight after a diet, if, of course, limit the consumption of fatty foods;
  • for some time you will only eat healthy foods, without dyes and chemicals, which will have a positive effect on health.

The disadvantages include:

  • if a person has weak will, he will not be able to protect himself from favorite foods, especially those that are addictive, such as coffee, cakes and drinks;
  • during the white diet, the body loses some trace elements.

But after teeth whitening, it is necessary to remember that such a diet helps to maintain the effect for a long time.

Pinning effect whitening

How to care after bleachingIn addition to the white diet, you can also fix the result with the help of the floss. This is dental floss, which necessary after every meal. It helps to clean the space between the teeth. But brushing your teeth should be a little longer about 3-5 minutes. Toothpaste should be the one that advises the dentist. Also perfectly fix the effect of mouthwash to the mouth, which contains fluoride. Women for a few days to give up lipsticks and lip gloss.

After the bleaching procedure, the teeth may lighten by 1 or even 2 shades, but no more than that. Re-bleaching should not be repeated more than 1 time per year.

If you follow all these rules and recommendations, as well as adhere to the white diet, the snow-white smile will continue for two years after the teeth whitening procedure. But, and, if not to observe at least one item from the above, then the effect of whitening will disappear in a few weeks. As a result of the fact that the procedure is not cheap, you should suffer only a few days and limit yourself to the usual trifles, than to re-bleach and pay extra money.

Many believe that whitening your teeth is harmful, because the procedure spoils tooth enamel. In modern dentistry, there are safe preparations that do not damage the enamel of the teeth. It is worth noting that there are drugs that harm enamel, but they are used in tube or laser bleaching, effect of which lasts up to 5 years. For this procedure, use the gel with the content of urea and hydrogen peroxide, and then they can negatively say on the enamel with frequent use.


Contraindications to teeth whiteningTo lighten the teeth have their own contraindications. Is it possible to do this procedure for teenagers? Do not lighten children under 16 years old, because their enamel has not yet fully strengthened, so the drug is able to penetrate the tooth itself and thereby bring nerve inflammation. People suffering from terrible diseases, too, can not do bleaching. In this case, a strong laser light affects their health, especially for those who have a tumor or asthma. This procedure is not recommended for pregnant women, as well as for those who are breastfeeding.


