Amazing White whitening: patient reviews, procedure description

How is the teeth whitening procedureAmong the variety of procedures for teeth whitening, Amazing White technology is very popular. With her help, the dream of a snow-white smile can come true. Bleaching procedure is carried out in the dental office. Numerous patient testimonies testify to the effectiveness of the procedure and advise to choose only it for teeth whitening.

Description of whitening technology Amazing White

This procedure is essentially different from other methods. Its active substance is hydrogen peroxide, which is split into allotropic forms of oxygen and penetrates deep into the enamel. In this case, the mineralization of the teeth is not disturbed.

The splitting occurs under the influence of the LED lamp emitting a cool blue color. Perhydrol decomposes into atomic oxygen and water. Once in the inner layers of tooth enamel, oxygen dissolves the pigmented cells and removes them with water.

For darkened areas, this procedure is non-aggressive. As a result, teeth enamel is lightened by 4–9 tones. The effectiveness of the result depends on the individual characteristics of the person. Amazing White technology will help to get rid of the natural grayness and yellowness of enamel just a few tones. Snow-white smile in this case will not work.

The device and the action of the LED lamp for bleaching

During the Amazing White procedure, an LED-lamp is used, the package of which includes:

  • stand;
  • the foundation;
  • remote control;
  • Power Supply;
  • protective glasses.

The lamp has a power of up to 30 watts and emits cold lightat which the wavelength reaches 430–490 nm.

LED lamps are environmentally friendly and completely safe. Their power is slightly higher than home LED lamps, which allows them to carry out Amazing White teeth whitening. According to the developers, the lamp emits cold light, which is not able to overheat the hard and soft tissues of the oral cavity. Her work will not cause the patient any discomfort and discomfort.

Advantages of the Amazing White technology

The peculiarity of the impact of the system for patients has a number of positive points:

  1. Teeth Whitening Technology Amazing WhiteBoth during bleaching and after it no discomfort and pain is felt.
  2. The integrity of the tooth enamel during the procedure is not broken.
  3. The technique is clinically tested. In Russia, it has appeared recently, and in America it has been used for over 12 years.
  4. With the help of Amazing White, you can achieve perfect whiteness of teeth, since pigment deposits such technology cleans them all, including hard-to-reach places.
  5. The desired effect can be achieved in a relatively short time. The procedure is carried out only three times, 15 minutes a day.
  6. Since special caps are not used during whitening, all possible irritations of the oral mucosa are excluded.
  7. Used special LED lamp does not emit ultraviolet light.
  8. The use of technology Amazing White can lighten enamel up to 10 tones. It all depends on the natural shade of the teeth.
  9. As a result of using the procedure, the patient gets the natural whiteness of the teeth.
  10. Compared to other methods, Amazing White has a reasonable price.

Disadvantages of the procedure

Like any bleaching technology, Amazing White has several drawbacks:

  • the procedure cannot be performed for people with individual intolerance to the components included in the system;
  • the gel contains hydrogen peroxide, which can negatively act on the enamel;
  • immediately after whitening, tooth sensitivity appears, disappearing in about a day;
  • gum tissue irritation may occur in some cases;
  • in rare cases, a burning or tingling sensation is observed in patients during the procedure.

There were situations when some teeth became much whiter than all the rest. Such uneven whitening depends on the quality of enamel.

The technology of the procedure Amazing White

The first stage of the procedure should be the consultation of the dentist, during which the specialist will carry out the diagnosis. If no contraindications for whitening are found, the desired shade of the teeth is determined. It is better to listen to the recommendations of the dentist. He will advise what shade on your teeth will look natural and harmonious. In some cases, for a visual example, pictures of a possible result are taken.

Directly herself The procedure consists of the following steps:

  1. Professional oral hygiene, which includes the removal of plaque and stone, cleaning interdental spaces, applying to the enamel polishing and gel, which includes fluoride.
  2. Moisturizing lips with cream or oil with vitamins E and A.
  3. Installing a dental instrument - retractor. It ensures the absence of contact between the teeth and the mucous membrane.
  4. Isolation of the gums with a liquid cofferedram. The drug will protect the gums from hydrogen peroxide and prevent burns. This step is not mandatory, since the concentration of peroxide in the gel is low.
  5. Applying the whitening gel on the teeth and the impact on them with a special lamp. After 15 minutes, the gel is washed off, the mouth rinsed. Thus, only three procedures are performed.
  6. At the end of bleaching, the enamel is covered with fluoride-containing preparations.


Amazing White bleaching technology is harmless and safe, but there are contraindications to it. These include:

  • How is the teeth whitening procedure?individual intolerance to the components in the gel;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • the presence of milk teeth and children up to 14 years;
  • the presence of dental crowns or implants;
  • pulpitis, caries and other diseases;
  • inflammatory gum disease;
  • tooth sensitivity;
  • the presence of "tetracycline" teeth;
  • exposed areas of the roots of the teeth;
  • neoplasms;
  • mental illness;
  • hypersensitivity to light;
  • thyroid disease;
  • therapy with statins, oral contraceptives, tetracycline antibiotics;
  • Chemotherapy.

No matter how qualitatively the whitening procedure was performed, plaque on the teeth still accumulates over time. Therefore, to maintain a snow-white smile, it is recommended that drink less coloring and products.

Patient Reviews

Long did not dare to make teeth whitening, but still chose the Amazing White system, and went to the dental clinic. Having read all sorts of reviews, I thought that this procedure was complicated and uncomfortable. However, I had no problems during bleaching. The dentist did everything very clearly, as a result of which I did not suffer. This technology has shown that miracles are possible. Before applying it, it seemed to me that my teeth could not be whitened with anything. After the procedure, for strengthening the teeth, they need to be treated for several days with the means prescribed by the doctor. The result is very pretty. When I look in the mirror, I can't stop looking at my snow-white smile.


Advantage of Amazing WhiteThree days ago, I did Amazing White bleaching. It is held in several stages of 15 minutes. At first gel is applied, and then a lamp is directed onto the teeth. After the third call, my teeth began to whine. But the dentist assured that for greater effect it is necessary to carry out another stage of the procedure.I agreed, and very much regretted about it.

After bleaching, the teeth hurt so much so that it was possible to climb on the wall. I could not even fall asleep, although I had drunk a lot of pain pills. It all went the next day. But such torture during the day will not wish anyone. Eventually snow-white teeth were only on the first day. Then yellow spots gradually began to appear on them. Now they look very strange, since enamel has a non-uniform color. I'm afraid no matter how this spotting will remain forever. True, the dentist reassured me a bit, saying that in 10 days the normal color will be established. I hope that my financial investments and sufferings for nothing did not pass.


The advantages of whitening technology Amazing WhiteI tried the Amazing White kit for homemade bleaching. Its advantage is that the procedure can be carried out at home. I really love coffee and tea, so my enamel is yellow. And here the result is immediately visible. My friend's dentist does not recommend bleaching in the clinic, explaining that after such a procedure very thin enamel. For remineralization of tooth enamel, she advised me to use a special gel, which also has a cleansing effect. I am very pleased with the result!


I did the Amazing White procedure and I really liked it. An ultraviolet lamp is used during whitening, therefore pre-wear goggles. My teeth ached neither during nor after the procedure. To strengthen the enamel used ROCS gel. As I smoke and drink tea and red wine, the result did not last very long. Therefore, after six months I want to repeat the procedure.



