Solcoseryl - dental adhesive paste: instructions for use

How does solcoseryl ointment work?Recently, pharmaceutical companies have managed to create a lot of effective compositions for the care of teeth. Among foreign novelties, it is worth highlighting dental adhesive paste Solcoseryl. This Swiss-made product is recommended for patients who have the following oral problems - wounds, ulcers and erosion. The drug is very effective in its task, helping to speed up the healing process.

Pasta Solcoseryl is a product developed by Legacy Pharmaceuticals Switzerlandwhich over the past years has been active in the development and manufacture of drugs.

Release form and composition of the drug

In pharmacies, the paste is offered in aluminum tubes weighing 5 g, which are packed in a cardboard box. Of the features of the paste is to provide a homogeneous composition of a pale yellow color and the smell of mint. The drug is very easy to use and easy to apply on the surface of the wound.

Healing properties of pasta Solcoseryl due to the presence in its composition of the following substances:

  • Dialysite derived from the blood of calves is used as the active substance. This substance, which does not contain proteins, is subsequently subjected to chemical and biological treatment in order to obtain antigens from it;
  • Polidocanol 600. The active ingredient that relieves pain;
  • The paste contains preservatives - methyl parahydroxybenzoate (E218) and propyl parahydroxybenzoate (E216);
  • The composition of the drug contains auxiliary components - sodium carboxymethylcellulose (E466), menthol and peppermint oil;
  • The main components are liquid paraffin, gelatin, pectin, polyethylene 350 000.

Pharmacology and mechanism of action

Dental Action OintmentDental adhesive paste Solcoseryl is topical. Therapeutic effect is to start the recovery mechanism of injured tissue.

The healing properties of the paste are due to the presence in the composition of the active component of solcoseryl, which is deproteinized dialysite, produced from the blood of dairy calves using ultrafiltration technology. The substance includes a mixture of natural compounds with low molecular weight, which, entering the body, stimulate the cells.

Thanks to the drug, you can speed up the process of division and renewing damaged cells, and it helps speed up tissue repair in areas of wounds or infection. Another positive quality of the paste is to launch the mechanism of collagen synthesis necessary for the rapid formation of blood vessels.

Adhesive paste Solcoseryl also has an analgesic effect. This is due to the presence in the composition of a special substance polidocanol, which represents a group of local anesthetics. Getting on the fabric, it temporarily blocks the nerve endings, as a result, the pain disappears at the location of the injured tissues. The desired result is achieved 2-5 minutes after the treatment of damaged tissues - the pain disappears immediately. But the achieved effect does not last long - no more than 5 hours.

After the damaged area is treated with Solcoseryl dental paste, a treatment layer forms on the surface, which protects the affected area from mechanical or chemical damage for about 5 hours.

Currently, experts have no information regarding the absorption of the drug, its accumulation in the organs and excretion from the body.

Dental indications

Solcoseryl Dent's Paste is safe for the body, and is prescribed in the presence of the following pathological conditions:

  • How to apply Solcoseryl ointmentperiodontal disease;
  • pemphigus;
  • stomatitis;
  • alveolitis;
  • gingivitis.

This drug may help in the case of the following lesions detected in the oral cavity:

  • damage to the lips and oral mucosa;
  • bedsores under dentures;
  • damage caused by previous operations;
  • trauma jaws.

From the use of the drug should be contained only in one case - with individual intolerance of one of the components that make up the paste.

Currently, experts do not have information about the effects on the body during pregnancy and during breastfeeding. Given this, women during such conditions need to be careful when using paste Solcoseryl. To avoid adverse effects of the drug, it is recommended to consult with a specialist before using it.

Scheme of use and dosage

Dental paste Solcoseryl differs in usability - for this purpose it is necessary to put it with a thin layer on a wound and to leave for absorption. Treatment of the affected areas is carried out 3-5 times a day. The exact frequency of the sessions can only be determined by considering the severity of the wound or lesion. Apply the paste on the fabric is recommended after meals and before bedtime.

The paste begins to act at the moment when mixed with saliva - then a special film begins to appear, providing protection to the wound. for 3-5 hours.

When calculating the dosage must take into account the size of the affected area. Usually the desired effect can be achieved if the drug is applied to the area with a layer of 5 mm. Treatment with Solcoseryl paste ends at the moment when all the contents of the tube are consumed.

Application features

How to apply solcoserylBefore using Solcoseryl paste, it is necessary to treat the wound with an antiseptic. This may be a solution of Miramistin, which is indicated in the treatment of stomatitis. In other cases, experts recommend the use of chlorhexidine solution 0.05%.

For disinfection, you must take a piece of gauze or a tampon, dip in antiseptic and apply to affected or damaged areas. Next, the wound should be allowed to dry. You can speed up this process with dry tampons. Only then can paste be applied to the wound.

If you have to deal with the treatment of pressure sores that have arisen under the prostheses, you will first have to dry your teeth, and then paste on them at the junction with the gums, then moisten the prostheses with water and insert into the oral cavity.

Pasta Solcoseryl is not suitable for the treatment of deep wounds that have arisen after the extraction of teeth, if you plan to subsequently stitches.

Often it is necessary to engage in the treatment of areas affected by infection. In such cases, first you need to carry out disinfection with the help of special medicines that have antibacterial action.

Having completed this procedure, you can go to the paste. Remember that there are no antimicrobial substances in the composition of the drug. From this it follows that he will not be able to eliminate inflammation if it appears in the wound area.

Over the years of applying Solcoseryl Dent's paste, there have been no cases of overdose, but it is not worth taking unnecessary risks. Be sure to follow the dosage specified in the instructions.

Side effects

Unfortunately, Solcoseryl Dental Paste does not have the same effect on all patients. Some may adverse body reactions occur:

  • Description of the drug solcoserylChange in taste. This effect is observed only in some cases;
  • Allergy, manifested in the form of swelling. In the event of such a symptom should refrain from re-use of the drug;
  • Fever, pain in the wound or redness of the area after treatment. It is also a contraindication to the further use of the paste;
  • Burning sensation at the treatment site. Usually, such discomfort lasts only a few minutes. If he worries further, then you should stop using the paste and seek advice from your doctor.

Drug analogues

Due to the fact that the condition of each patient may vary, in some cases, an allergic reaction to the components that make up the paste Solcoseryl. In this case, the patient can look for analogues.

Good enough to help in the treatment and for the prevention of diseases of the oral cavity, Holitz gel and Metrogil Denta gel.

However, before you decide to use one or another drug, which, according to patients, may be a substitute for pasta Solcoseryl, it is advisable to consult with your doctor. An error with the choice of a drug analogue can lead to adverse reactions of the body.

Price paste, storage conditions

Pasta Solcoseryl - one of the currently available means for the treatment of diseases of the oral cavity. It is offered in pharmacies at the price of 320-350 r. If necessary, it can be purchased through the Internet by going to special sites that sell pharmacological drugs. In which pharmacy to buy the paste, it does not matter much, since the prices in them differ slightly.

Pasta Solcoseryl allowed to apply for 4 years after the opening of the tube. After the expiration date, the drug can not be used, so before you decide to buy it at the pharmacy, be sure to find out the release date.

Observe the rules for storing the paste: you can keep it at a temperature no higher than 30 ° C in places that prevent children from accessing them.


Features pasta solcoserylDiseases of the oral cavity can cause no less problems than disruption of the work of other organs. And, when confronted for the first time with this problem, a person has to solve an important question - which drug to choose for a speedy recovery.

According to experts, it helps very well in such situations. dental paste Solcoserylwhich is very easy to use. But even despite all the advantages of this drug, including an affordable price, you should not use it thoughtlessly. For quick treatment, it is necessary to choose the right drug, and this can only be done by a specialist. Therefore, it is necessary to begin treatment with an appeal to a dentist.


