Paradontosis: how to save teeth and which medications help

Features and treatments for periodontal diseasePeriodontal disease for a long time was an incurable disease. But nowadays several rather effective ways to combat this disease have been found. Symptoms of the disease can be removed almost completely, carrying out in the treatment of an integrated approach, which includes drug therapy and the use of physiotherapy. In addition, these listed methods can be supplemented by treatment of folk remedies. Through persistent efforts, excellent results can be achieved.

Features of the disease

Description of periodontal diseaseWhen periodontal disease disrupts the metabolism in the tissues that surround the tooth, which causes their inflammation. Because of this gums start to turn pale while eating or brushing your teeth, and in severe cases, the tissues may become covered with purulent ulcers.

After a while the teeth begin loose and the roots become bare. If you do not start to treat periodontal disease in a timely manner, then you can completely lose all your teeth, which will gradually fall out themselves.

Because of what such pathology develops - is not fully understood. It is believed that it is associated with diseases of internal systems and organssuch as atherosclerosis, vascular dystonia, hypertension, diabetes mellitus and osteopenia.

Quite often periodontal disease appears during pregnancy and this condition should cause concern, as it can lead to premature birth or cause a small weight in the newborn.

Signs of illness

The list of signs of periodontal diseasePeriodontal disease is usually asymptomatic, without pain, so the sick and not in a hurry to see a doctor. At a more pronounced stage, complications occur, accompanied by inflammation of the gums, called periodontitis. Periodontal disease and periodontitis are closely related to each other.

Both diseases are very destructive for both teeth and gums. The clinical picture is rather weak. The development of the disease occurs very slowly, without showing itself for a long time. Sick begin to feel discomfort or itching in the gums, but most often complain to the dentist about tooth sensitivity.

Periodontal disease is characterized by the following features:

  • pale gums without any signs of inflammation;
  • the neck and root of the tooth are exposed, but the gums do not bleed;
  • dental tissues have such lesions as tooth wear, wedge-shaped defect, enamel erosion.


Description of the symptoms of periodontal diseaseAs the disease begins to develop, food may get stuck between the teeth, the neck of the tooth is exposed and its sensitivity increases. In the future, possible early loss of the dentition of all teeth. The disease may not progress for decades, but it happens tooth decaycaused by inflammation.

At the initial stage, periodontal disease has the following symptoms:

  • Itching in the gums.
  • Visible tooth mobility.
  • Change in taste.
  • Unpleasant smell from the mouth.

Paradontoza treatment methods

Methods and drugs for the treatment of periodontal diseaseWhat to do if the doctor diagnosed “paradontosis”, how to save teeth? There are proven drugs and folk remedies that help in the treatment of this insidious disease. Usually, a good effect brings drug therapy.

Dentist prescribes certain medicationsbased on how badly your teeth are affected. Before this, the patient passes a special analysis to determine the sensitivity of bacteria to the antibiotic that will be used for treatment.

Drug therapy includes the use of antibiotics and special anti-parodontoznyh funds, the therapeutic effect of which is achieved thanks to their propolis.

Medications based on propolis well relieve pain and inflammation, strengthen gums, have a powerful antiseptic effect. But unfortunately, they help only at an early stage of the disease, and in more severe cases, antibiotic therapy is given.

Antibiotics in the treatment of periodontal disease

The list and description of antibiotics for the treatment of periodontal diseaseHow can you save teeth with periodontal disease and what is needed to do this? In this case, the doctor prescribes antibiotics, and usually for the treatment of such a disease they use drugs of a wide spectrum of activity, for example, "Metronidazole or Doxycycline". These funds effectively affect the bacteria that contribute to the development of periodontal disease.

For greater effectiveness, the dentist prescribes "Chlorhexidine." Since with this disease the patient’s immunity is greatly weakened, the doctor can prescribe to him tonic and immunomodulatory medications.

By the way, antibiotics used to treat periodontal disease are produced in various forms. It can be:

  1. Capsules
  2. Pills.
  3. Gels for local treatment in the oral cavity.
  4. Rinse solutions.

The greatest effect is brought by capsules and pills, complexly affecting the entire body and helping to achieve the best result.

Reception "Lincomycin"

Instructions for use Lincomycin for the treatment of periodontal diseaseFor the treatment of periodontal disease is increasingly used "Lincomycin" - a drug of the widest spectrum of action. It is also prescribed for inflammatory and infectious diseases of bones, joints, skin, etc.

It has a pronounced antimicrobial effect and perfectly proved itself in the treatment of periodontal disease. Taking the drug usually lasts for two weeks, and in severe cases it can last longer.

You can not take it without a doctor's prescription, as illiterate use can not only cause dysbiosis, but also contribute to severe damage to the kidneys or liver. It is the dentist who can prescribe a safe dosewhich will be effective.

Medicated toothpastes and anti-inflammatory gels

Description of therapeutic prophylactic toothpastes and gels for the treatment of periodontal diseaseWhat other drugs can help with paradontosis? On sale are special gels applied to the gums. These include "Cholisal", "Kamistad", "Metrogil Dent", "Asepta". Due to this form, the preparation is well attached to the wet surface of the gums and penetrates the tissue to the maximum.

Gels have a pronounced antiseptic effect, help relieve puffiness, and also eliminate pain and inflammation of the gums. For periodontal disease, it is recommended to use special therapeutic and prophylactic toothpastes for brushing your teeth. The most effective are considered Lacalut, Parodontax, Forest Balsam».

These pastes consist of active antiseptics and herbal extracts, which are excellent for reducing inflammation. Of course, even the most effective toothpastes can not be used for a complete treatment, so they should be used in combination with drugs.

Mumiyo for the treatment of periodontal disease

Use mumiyo for the treatment of periodontal disease is recommended only in combination with medication. As the experts were able to establish, it is quite effective in the treatment of periodontal disease, gingivitis, stomatitis and other oral diseases.

With periodontal disease mumiyo used in the form of gargles. To do this, 2 grams of this tool is dissolved in half a glass of boiled water. Mouth should be rinsed in the morning and evening.

Mumiyo is also made compresses on the gums. To prepare such a remedy, 5 grams of mummy is diluted in half a glass of boiled water, a gauze or cotton swab is impregnated with this solution and applied to the gums. Keep it should be about 20 minutes, then spit.

Periodontal disease - treatment of folk remedies

Folk remedies for the treatment of periodontal diseaseWhat to do if the doctor diagnosed paradontosis? Treatment with folk remedies can help, but only at an early stage of the disease. There are quite effective recipes that help to cope with this pathological condition.

Need to take one glass grated horseradish root, put in a glass container, pour boiling water and close the lid very tightly. As soon as the infusion has cooled, they need to rinse their mouth. Thanks to this folk remedy, the gums are strengthened, and the oral cavity is cleared of bacteria.

Get rid of periodontal disease helps celandine grass. To do this, it should be finely chopped and tightly fill a liter jar. Then the container is poured with vodka and infused for two weeks. Rinse your mouth with the resulting tincture is necessary after eating for 10 minutes. Before use, the tincture is diluted with water in a 1: 1 ratio.

For the treatment of periodontal disease can rub honey into gumsMixed with salt. The mixture is stirred until the salt is completely dissolved, after which a small lump of the obtained mass is put on gauze and rubbed on it gums and teeth. This procedure should be carried out within two weeks. If the need arises, the treatment is repeated a week later.

The following popular method of treatment of periodontal disease is that mix one teaspoon of olive oil with one teaspoon of fine sea salt. Such a composition rub the gums and teeth within 5 minutes in the morning and in the evening. Instead of olive oil, you can take another, but in this case, the therapeutic effect is slightly reduced.

Use of hydrogen peroxide and propolis

Methods of using hydrogen peroxide and propolis for the treatment of periodontal diseaseIf you have periodontal disease, treatment of folk remedies can be carried out with hydrogen peroxide. This method is quite effective and practically has no contraindications. Take the peroxide inside or add a few droplets directly to the toothpaste.

For the reception inside use 3% aqueous solutionFor this purpose, one drop of peroxide is added to 50 ml of water. This tool is taken on an empty stomach 30 minutes before meals three times a day. Usually it is sufficient to use it for 10 days.

Very well helps to cure periodontitis such a substance as propolis. It can be used as an application, it is used for rinsing or greasing. For applications, take 4% alcoholic propolis tincture and apply on the neck or surface of the tooth 2-3 times a day after meals.

If it is necessary to make a solution for rinsing, then for this purpose 30 drops of alcoholic tincture of the substance in a glass of water are diluted and rinsed in the mouth. It is best to perform the procedure several times a day for 2-3 weeks.

Inflamed gums are smeared with the mixture prepared as follows: take two tablespoons of vegetable oil and one tablespoon of 10% propolis alcohol tincture and mix. The procedure should be carried out several times a day.

Prevention of oral cavity

To prevent the development of periodontal disease, it is necessary to observe oral hygiene, which consists of the following:

  • it is best to prevent the formation of tartar;
  • using a toothbrush should remove soft scurf;
  • need to use toothpicks and cleansing dental floss.

So this is a very unpleasant phenomenon - loose teeth. Periodontal disease does not normally chew food and causes pain. Treatment brings the greatest effect in the initial stage of the disease and can be carried out not only drugs, but also folk remedies.In advanced cases, all the teeth can fall out, so do not let this disease take its course.


