Despite the fact that now a person has a wide variety of dental care products available, he still will not be able to remove leftover food in hard-to-reach places. But such a bad habit as smoking further aggravates the situation. An unpleasant yellow patina can ruin the appearance of even the most even and beautiful teeth, but besides this it is an excellent living environment for various microbes that, when multiplying, provoke the appearance of caries and periodontitis.
Why do some people have white teeth and remain so until old age, while others have a gray-yellow color, despite the use of expensive toothpastes? Many get this feature by inheritance, but the rest is because of bad habits. A gray and yellow patina is a sign of the abuse of tea and coffee, as well as smoking.
How is the raid?
In appearance, plaque is a viscous mixture that consists of food, bacteria, saliva and metabolic products. Most often, it is formed in those places in which a person cannot independently clean the teeth. These places include fissures on the chewing surface, gingival groove and cervical teeth. Enamel has an unstructured shell that can quickly recover, but it is not visible at all. This shell serves as an excellent protector of teeth during meals, moisturizes the enamel and creates shine on it.
But when a person eats, this shell can wear off, so the enamel attacks microorganisms. They consist of streptococci, gram-positive rods and actinomycetes. And due to the fact that the remains of food remain on the enamel, they multiply rapidly in such a microflora. After some time, the plaque becomes infectious.
After four days, the plaque becomes a plaque, and the number of bacteria increases by 2 times. Saliva is not able to wash away the plaque, and it does not go away even after rinsing the mouth with water. Microorganisms love carbohydrate environmenttherefore, when they take carbohydrate foods, they multiply even faster. Under the influence of carbohydrates lactic acid is formed, which dissolves the enamel shell. As a result, caries appears on the teeth.
If you do not pay due attention to such plaques, over time they form tartar. For this reason, caries goes into periodontitis, and if parondontosis is formed, then it will bring irreversible changes.
Parodontosis is not treatable; you can only stop its progression. Patient can for a long time not to notice the formation of a stoneit is only with time that it manifests itself when the disease becomes large-scale.
What is prof. teeth cleaning?
Professional teeth cleaning helps eliminate the activity of bacteria. To conduct prof. brushing your teeth at home is impossible, so you should consult your dentist for this purpose. Even electric toothbrush unable to remove hardened deposits, as well as completely clean the gaps between the teeth.
Not so long ago, the dentist was cleaning the teeth by hand. In order to remove tartar, the doctor used a hook, and polished the surface of the enamel with a special paste. But in modern dentistry, there are devices that not only do an excellent job with cleaning, but also spare tooth enamel.
It is worth noting that there are no contraindications for cleaning teeth.But in the following cases, you should immediately contact a specialist:
- elimination of subgingival or supragingival dental calculus;
- the elimination of soft or hard plaque;
- getting rid of unpleasant smell;
- caries prevention;
- with bleeding gums and their prevention;
- treatment of periodontal disease, gingivitis, periodontal disease and their prevention;
- the initial stage of teeth whitening.
Prof. brushing should be done no more than 1 time in six months. But if there is a need, you can do the cleaning more often. At the moment, dentistry has modern devices.that make gentle cleaning. If the patient does not have knowledge of dentistry, then he will not be able to find out exactly when it is necessary to undergo cleaning. But thanks to the following points, you can immediately guess that you should visit a specialist:
- unpleasant smell, if there is no suspicion of gastrointestinal diseases;
- change of periodontal color;
- burning in the gums and bleeding;
- gum sedimentation;
- tartar;
- periodontal soreness during meals;
- irregularities in the periodontal attachment.
Cleaning methods
The approach of dentists to professional dental cleaning considers several methods that have their own advantages and disadvantages.
The ultrasonic scaler is capable of producing wave oscillations of different lengths, which arrive at its tip. With it, mineralized plaque, which has a high density, and forms tartar, gradually begins to crumble, and then completely behind the enamel of the tooth. At this time, the tooth absorbs vibrations from ultrasound and begins to heat up. At the same time the stone feels discomfort, and with the help of water pressure it flies away.
Thus, the plaque is removed, and the tooth tissue is rapidly cooled. There are ultrasound machines that can also clean the deposits under the gum and in the periodontal pockets. If all teeth are healthy, then the procedure is excellent and painless. But, here some patients still need anesthesia. In addition to removing stone and plaque, ultrasound can improve the gums, and they stop bleeding.
For ultrasonic cleaning of teeth there are contraindications:
- You can not purge with severe forms of chronic diseases.
- With arrhythmias.
- With infections (tuberculosis, HIV).
- Children under 2 years old.
- With great caries and strong tooth sensitivity.
Laser cleaning
Laser cleaning works depending on the water content in the enamel and tartar. For any plaque and stone, it is always necessary to know that it contains more moisture than enamel. A strong laser beam can cause water to boil rapidly, as a result of this, tartar falls into small fragments. Also, the laser beam can have a bactericidal effect, it drives away bacteria that collect on the surface of the teeth.
After the end of the procedure, the enamel becomes sensitive to medical formulations, so you should immediately strengthen the tissues of the teeth. After cleaning with a laser, the plaque disappears from all hard-to-reach places, small cracks and sores heal, the condition of the gums stabilizes, and bacteria die. Due to the fact that the laser also destroys many pigments, the enamel can be lightened. But you should not forget that laser cleaning is not related to laser whitening.
Air flow cleaning
The name of the procedure indicates that the air jet is used for cleaning, and for better effect it is diluted with water and abrasive. For abrasive, ordinary baking soda is used, which safely acts on the enamel of the teeth.
With the help of a strong air flow, the surface of all teeth is cleaned. Soda at high speed hits the tooth and removes hard plaque. And thanks to the flow of water all these deposits are quickly washed away. In addition, water reduces the temperature of the teeth, because with this manipulation, it increases.
To remove the stones under the gum, the perio-flow procedure is applied, in which soda is replaced with glycine in powder form. Due to the strong pressure, soft deposits are quickly washed away, but, in addition, traces of smoking and dyes are cleaned. As a result, the enamel brightens one tone. Anesthesia is not needed, but a minus is that such cleaning is not able to remove the old plaque.
- Gum disease. Under such circumstances, a powerful jet can adversely affect the loose tissue of the gums and increase inflammation.
- Bronchial asthma, any form of chronic bronchitis.
Mechanical cleaning
The dentist performs manual mechanical cleaning with the help of tools. This method is too painful, so it is used less and less. But sometimes without mechanical cleaning is not enough. For example, if the teeth are crowded, other cleaning methods do not cope, so manual cleaning is used.
After cleaning
After professional dental cleaning, the dentist will recommend sanding the surface, because thanks to the smooth surface of the teeth, food debris and bacteria can no longer linger on them and get rid of them will be much easier. After grinding, varnish is applied to the teeth, which will strengthen the enamel. The effect after such a procedure will last up to a year, it all depends on bad habits and care for the oral cavity.
You can still fluoridate the teeth, it is done using a solution, which contains fluoride ions. The procedure can be simple and deep. The doctor does the usual fluoridation due to the tins. He fills them with a solution and applies them to the teeth. Another simple method of fluoridation is carried out with a brush. With its help, fluoride varnish is applied to the teeth.
With deep fluoridation, the dentist applies a special tool to the tampon and after that, the enamel is quenched with calcium calcium hydroformed. This procedure will increase the hardness of enamel several times.
But all these methods will not be beneficial if you do not take care of the oral cavity at home. No need to skip brushing your teeth, use dental floss more often and consult your dentist regularly. Only with the fulfillment of all the rules a snow-white smile can accompany you for many years.