Viniline - Shostakovsky Balm: instructions for use

Description of the drug VinylinumThere are many drugs with antiseptic action. Among them stands out Shostakovsky balm, which has a wide range of effects on the skin and mucous membrane. What is a Viniline pharmacy tool and how to use it correctly on your own?

Viniline - Shostakovsky Balm: instructions for use

Balsam Shostakovsky has the appearance of a thick and viscous liquid of light yellow color. is he different sharp odor. Fluid has properties:

  • do not dissolve in water;
  • do not air dry;
  • not thicken

The main active ingredient in its composition is polyvinox. It has antimicrobial properties, thereby retarding the growth and further development of microorganisms. Balsam mixes well with various oils in all proportions. It can also be combined with liquid paraffin, ethyl ether, chloroform, isoamyl and butyl alcohol. Balm release form - dark-colored glass bottles that go on sale in carton. It is also produced in the form of capsules.

Its composition helps cleanse and heal purulent wounds and ulcers. Therapeutic balm has a wide range of effects on the body:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antimicrobial;
  • regenerating;
  • painkillers (local);
  • enveloping.

After applying the wound, the scars and ulcers soften noticeably and then begin to heal.

Indications for use

This effective therapeutic agent has long been used in dentistry and other areas of medicine. Viniline well tolerated by patients and overdose cases are not fixed. In dentistry, it is used for the following problems:

  • How to apply vinylinestomatitis;
  • periodontal disease;
  • periodontitis;
  • gingivitis;
  • leukoplakia;
  • periodontitis

Balsa Shostakovsky Viniline has a highly effective healing properties, an active wound-healing effect. It is prescribed for the treatment and prevention of complications of oncological diseases in the maxillofacial area. Mostly in treatment he applied externally, but in rare cases, it is prescribed for oral administration. Doctors effective balm Vinilin prescribed for many diseases:

  • frostbite, trophic ulcers, dermatitis, scabies;
  • burns, boils, carbuncles, purulent wounds on soft tissues;
  • ulcerative colitis, anal fissures, etc.

Contraindications and side effects

Since the remedy is often prescribed for stomatitis in children, pediatricians are advised not to take the medicine by mouth. It is very important to observe the dosage when treating wounds inside the mouth of a child. If you follow the instructions for use, ulcers and wounds heal very quickly. Viniline can not be taken:

  • in diseases of the liver and gallbladder;
  • during lactation;
  • children for oral administration;
  • kidney disease;
  • if there is an individual intolerance to the drug.

Among the side effects should include an allergic reaction, redness, weak burning. A negative reaction may occur, but very rarely. Do not take Viniline, if the child has an allergic reaction or listed diseases of internal organs.

Balsam ShostakovskyTherapeutic balm is intended for local and external use, as well as for oral administration.

For skin diseases, a cloth is moistened in it and then the affected skin surface is covered with a cloth.The amount of solution used will depend on the size of the skin lesion. It can be used in its pure form, as well as mix with different oils - sea buckthorn, wild rose. Vinylinum is added to medical ointments and gels for rubbing.

For dental diseases, balsam is used for rinsing. Vinyline is also used as an ointment and for application to sores and wounds in the oral cavity. It is recommended to use with angina. Balsam smeared tonsils with a cotton swab several times a day. After applying a balm on the mucous membrane forms a protective film. It protects the oral mucosa from irritating effects during meals and drinks. Helps to reduce the pain of contact with food.

For oral administration most often used capsules in the treatment of gastric ulcers and gastritis. On the first day of treatment take 3 capsules, and then 5 capsules per day. The duration of one course is 18-20 days.

For the prevention and treatment of periodontitis, it is recommended to use for massage gums. It is necessary to take a balm at room temperature and wet it with a foam sponge or a fresh lemon peel. 5-7 minutes you need to gently massage the gums. Such procedures are preferably performed twice a day in the morning and before bedtime. To do this, use a pure balm or a mixture that will be prescribed by the attending dentist.

Viniline in the treatment of children

Especially you need to be careful with the use of medication for the treatment of children. Apply remedy to the child only with clean hands. Using a gauze cloth dipped in balm, it is necessary to evenly cover the oral cavity with a thin layer in the affected area. Should do it 2 hours after meals 3-4 times a day. If a child has an allergy, it is necessary to immediately stop treatment and consult a doctor.

Often, stomatitis appears in infants and at this age not all active agents can be used for treatment. Vinilin Shostakovskogo is a therapeutic agent with a safe composition. Pediatricians do not recommend giving the capsules or the balm itself to the child for oral administration. They advise using it only for therapy as a highly effective means.

Price Vinilina and its analogues

Rules for the use of balmThe cost of the drug varies by region. On average, the price is about 200 rubles per 50 g bottle, and 100 gr within 350 rubles. The drug can be purchased at a pharmacy without a prescription.

There are very few analogs of Vinilin. Similar in composition and therapeutic action are:

  • Polyvinylin-Rusfar;
  • Polyvinoks.


