The most common dental procedures include dental fillings. It is difficult to find an adult who did not go to the dentist with a treatment problem. Often, during the treatment of a tooth, the doctor places the patient with a temporary filling. In which cases temporary fillings are used and is it possible to chew after installing such fillings?
What is a temporary seal?
Seals are permanent and temporary. The latest kind of dentists used in the work for the diagnosis chewing organs. For this reason, it has another name - diagnostic. When a patient has a toothache, the doctor cannot always immediately determine if the nerve is damaged or not. To do this, he opens the tooth and after treatment puts a temporary filling mass. If, after visiting the dentist, the tooth stops hurting, then the doctor usually removes the temporary filling and instead puts a permanent one.
If necessary, treatment continues. Dentists often into the cavity of the diseased tooth lay the medicine and close it with a temporary filling. Most often, dentists use such measures to treat pulpitis. The doctor puts a special paste into the damaged tooth so that the tooth treatment is less painful. Sometimes the treatment process can take up to 2-3 weeks and even up to several months. This is the case for certain drugs. With the usual anti-inflammatory agent can be held within 1 week.
In several stages passes treatment of periodontitis and in this case also not to do without temporary filling material. The type of medication is selected individually, depending on the degree of the disease. The doctor in this case sometimes puts a temporary seal on the sealed canal. With this type of filling, patients can walk long enough.
Also non-permanent filling materials in dentistry are used for prosthetic teeth. While the order for the prosthesis is being fulfilled in the dental laboratory, the prepared tooth will be temporarily protected with a non-permanent filling.
Varieties of temporary materials
In each case, the dentist selects the necessary filling material. It is of several types. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the patient and the clinical picture. The material also has a curing time. This indicator is central to the question of how much you can not eat after installing a non-permanent seal and can you chew with it?
- Artificial dentim - this powder consists of zinc oxide and zinc sulfate with kaolin. The composition is diluted with distilled water to obtain the desired consistency of the material.
- Vinoxol is a fairly durable material made from zinc oxide. If necessary, can stand up to six months.
- Denim-paste - is a plastic material, in its composition there are oils and the material hardens after two hours.
- Cariosan - it is a cement with an analgesic effect, when treating deep caries it is installed as a gasket. The durability of the material will depend on the quality of the installation, the material and the care after installation beyond the oral cavity.
How to behave with non-permanent filling?
To non-permanent filling mass did not fall out of time before the tooth, it is necessary to follow the recommendations of the dentist. The specialist gives advice and advice to the patient on oral care and tells you how long you can eat after installation.
The temporary mass is liquid elastic paste during installation. Depending on its composition, its curing time will differ. Usually, the doctor after hardening the material gives it the desired shape so that it does not interfere with chewing. If the composition has already become solid, it may still not completely solidify. It is believed that the minimum time for this is not less than 2 hours. This time will be enough for the material to be resistant to deformation and abrasion during meals.
In order for the seal to last until the next visit to the dental clinic, you must follow simple rules of care:
- during brushing the teeth do not press with a brush in the temporary filling area;
- It is advisable to use a soft bristled toothbrush;
- You can use different rinses for care;
- It is not recommended to chew hard food and one that sticks to the teeth:
- try to chew on the other side and not load the sealed tooth;
- avoid dyeing products on the first day of installation.
With noncompliance with these rules and a dentist’s recommendation, a temporary filling can crumble or fall out of a tooth very quickly. Even the highest quality material used by the dentist cannot replace a permanent filling. With complex treatment, it is better to refrain from eating and drinking for 4–5 hours.
If a the material crumbled or fell out, then the infection can penetrate into the cavity of the tooth and the treatment will have to start all over again. For this reason, it will be delayed indefinitely. A tooth may start to hurt again. There are cases when patients lightly refer to a temporary filling, they do not come to the doctor in time because of what they can lose a tooth.