How to treat caries at home

CariesThe enamel of the tooth, covering its main part, is the hardest tissue of the human body. Its base is 96% solid minerals, most of which belong to the apatite group. Despite their hardness, these minerals are highly susceptible to an increase in acidity.

The process of carbohydrate fermentation, carried out by microorganisms on the local surface of the tooth, entails the emergence of organic acid, which has a destructive effect on the mineral base of enamel. Thus, there is a gradual demineralization of inorganic hard dental tissues, which ultimately leads to their destruction and the formation of cavities in the tooth. This whole process is called tooth decay - the most common disease of the human body, from which more than 90% of the world's population suffers or has already suffered.

Since the process of destruction of the mineral base of the tooth is irreversible, the answers to the questions about whether how to get rid of caries at home or how to cure caries on their own, can only be negative. At the earliest stage of its development can only suspend the destruction of the enamel layer, but to restore it to the full, to treat caries without the intervention of a doctor will not succeed. Therefore, the main method of preventing caries on its own is hygiene, prevention and strengthening of tooth enamel.

Stages of caries development

  1. Average cariesThe stage of the appearance of carious spots. This initial stage of the destruction of tooth enamel is characterized by the formation of chalk marks on its surface. The enamel itself remains smooth and painful sensations do not occur. To cure the disease at this stage is the easiest. This can be done by remineralizing tooth enamel with appropriate preparations.
  2. Stage caries. At this stage, the untreated spot acquires roughness, there is pain from the touch of hot, cold, sweet or sour food or water. At this stage, in addition to remineralizing therapy, grinding of the tooth surface is necessary, and, possibly, filling.
  3. Stage Medium Caries. At this stage of caries development, the enamel on the local tooth surface is almost destroyed and the process of destruction of the main hard tooth tissue, dentin, begins. Tooth deformation becomes well noticeable. The pain is felt more often, more intense and longer. At this stage, the damaged part of the tooth must be removed and sealed after treatment with appropriate medical preparations.
  4. Stage deep caries. The destruction reaches the tissue near the nerve (pulp) of the tooth. The pain becomes constant and acute. If, at this stage, the affected part of the tooth is not removed, the tissues are not treated with remineralizing and medical preparations, and the seal is not placed, this will lead to a complete opening tooth nerve and its inflammation. As a result, caries develops into pulpitis, requiring a painful nerve removal procedure. The most advanced form of caries can lead to the need for complete tooth extraction.

Causes of caries

  • Photos of deep cariesThe lack of regularity in the procedure of hygiene of the oral cavity and teeth, which leads to rotting of food debris stuck between the teeth. This is the main reason for the increase in the level of acidity in the oral cavity, which is detrimental to tooth enamel.
  • Wrong metabolism and weakened immunity.
  • Malnutrition, abuse of sweet and carbohydrate foods.
  • Various endocrine diseases.

Prevention of caries

  • Prevention of dental diseasesRegular teeth cleaning in the morning, at night and, preferably, after each meal. The cleaning procedure should last at least 5 minutes with vertical movements of the toothbrush. The brush should be changed to a new one every six months, toothpaste should be selected with fluorine content, and remineralizing gels should be used when brushing teeth. Effective prevention is the use of dental floss to clean food from pieces that are stuck between teeth.
  • Regularly, every six months, it is necessary undergo a dental examination. At the initial stage of formation of carious spots, it can be difficult to identify it on its own, and at subsequent stages of development, caries can become more advanced, which will complicate its treatment.
  • Should limit yourself to eating sweet and carbohydrate foods. The most dangerous for the health of teeth are products such as peanuts, banana, yogurt, raisins, potato chips, milk chocolate. It is necessary to get rid of the habit of drinking tea with sugar and, of course, there are often all kinds of cakes and pastries.
  • Eating solid vegetables and fruits, as well as foods that increase the level of calcium (cottage cheese, cheese, milk) and phosphorus (fish and seafood).
  • Regular use sugarless chewing gum, as well as antibacterial rinsing of the mouth.

Remineralization of tooth enamel at home


In case of detection of a carious stain at the very initial stage, it is possible to halt its development and saturate the enamel with the necessary microelements at home. This can be done with a drug such as dentin-sealing liquid. When choosing this tool, be sure to consult with a specialist and follow the instructions for its use.

Dentin-sealing liquid as a whole consists of two compositions. After thorough sanitization of the teeth and mouth, they should be well dried, for example, with a hairdryer. Then apply the first composition of liquidation on carious spots with a cotton swab. After that, wet the treated area well and dry again. Now in the same way it is necessary to process the spots with the second composition of liquidation. At the end of the procedure, the mouth must be rinsed. Re-mineralization should be carried out twice a year.

Strengthening tooth enamel and oral disinfection using folk remedies

These remedies will not cure caries, but they may well stop the development of its causes.

  • Strengthening tooth enamelApplication with fluoride toothpaste. It is necessary to put the paste on a piece of paper and attach it to the tooth for half an hour.
  • Periodically rinse your mouth with calcium and magnesium powders diluted in water.
  • Rinse your mouth tinctures of calamus, sage, toffee or garlic. Such mixtures are excellent antibacterial agents that also normalize acid balance.
  • Periodical teeth cleaning fresh solution of warm water with soap. Brush your teeth in the same way as regular toothpaste. After this procedure, rinse well mouth. Laundry soap contains substances that prevent the processes of decay on the surface of the teeth.


