Aesthetic restoration of the front teeth: types and advantages, price

How can I restore the front teethIn modern dental clinics, you can not only cure your teeth and gums, remove plaque and stone from enamel, but also carry out artistic restoration of the front teeth. This procedure is the restoration of the anatomical shape and function of the dentition. Unlike prosthetics, with the help of the restoration, you can restore dental tissue, prolong their life and preserve the natural look of a smile.

Indications for artistic restoration

Anterior teeth restoration procedure shown in the following cases:

  • in the presence of chips, curvature and other defects;
  • thinning enamel;
  • darkening and yellowing of the crown;
  • the presence of a gap between the front teeth;
  • the appearance of a dark strip between the filling material and solid tissues;
  • wear and loss of old fillings;
  • partial or complete absence of a tooth.

The purpose of the restoration of teeth is treatment of caries with the direction to restore the aesthetic appearance, changing the position of teeth in the mouth, eliminating interdental crevices and improving the color, shape and size of teeth.

Types of aesthetic restoration of the front teeth

To restore the dentition in the dental clinic, you can on the recommendation of the dentist one of three methods:

  1. Direct or composite restoration.
  2. Restoration of the aesthetic appearance of the dentition with veneers.
  3. Restoration based on implants.

Composite technology

Aesthetic restoration of teethThe procedure is the preparation and filling of damaged tissue. high-quality reflective materials. Used photopolymers are plastic, so dentists use them as clay. In this case, the experience of the doctor is important, his sense of proportion and taste.

Composite materials are mainly used to restore the surfaces of teeth. They return the lost shape and color, and lead the dentition to its original appearance. Such a procedure is required if the tooth tissues have changed color or have undergone extensive lesions due to caries, mechanical damage or due to age.

With a composite aesthetic restoration of the front teeth, the old amalgam fillings are first of all removed, which darken over time. They are replaced by a composite.

Composite restoration of the dentition directly in the oral cavity is carried out, which is why it is called a direct restoration.

The advantages of composite restoration include:

  1. The strength of the composite shell.
  2. Impossibility to distinguish the restored surface from natural enamel.
  3. No need to heavily grind dental tissue.
  4. Perform the procedure for one visit.

The minus of the composer restoration is a gradual “eatability” and micron shrinkage of the material, due to which it will have to be changed in 5–10 years.

An experienced specialist will carry out the restoration of 1–2 teeth in 30–40 minutes. Technology of the procedure:

  1. Cleaning of enamel deposits and solid deposits in the root zone.
  2. Selection of the composite, taking into account the brightness, intensity and saturation of natural fabrics.
  3. Dissection of carious cavities and removal of old fillings.
  4. Isolation of saliva by a dacron matrix or cofferdam.
  5. Layering overlay photopolymers to form an aesthetic appearance.
  6. Removing excess composite, grinding and polishing restored teeth.

In case there is no pulp and more than half of the tooth is damaged, a pin is installed. It is best to use fiberglass pins for this, since with a metal pin the teeth will get a grayish tint.

The price of art composite restoration It consists of the following positions:

  • sterile package;
  • anesthesia;
  • isolation of the tooth from saliva;
  • restoration of the light composite;
  • installation of fiberglass pin.

As a result, the total average cost of restoring a whole tooth with the installation of a pin is from 5 to 6 thousand rubles. The price for the restoration of half a crown is from 3.5 to 4 thousand rubles. Restoration of cleavage will cost about 1.5 thousand rubles.

Aesthetic restoration with veneers

Since photovoltaic cells become unusable over time, many patients prefer more durable veneers. They are ceramic plates (zirconium dioxide, porcelain) or polymeric materials.

Indications for aesthetic restoration using veneers:

  • How is the restoration of the front teethlarge tooth spaces;
  • strong contrast between the natural color of enamel and the installed fillings;
  • chipped;
  • caries;
  • wrong location and shape;
  • abrasion of the old restoration;
  • discoloration of enamel after depulpation;
  • severe damage to hard tissue;
  • fluorosis;
  • defects of enamel development;
  • clearly visible yellowness.

Thanks to the use of veneers, the front dentition is not subject to depulpation. Plates are placed outside, and their teeth remain inside. As a result, aesthetics is higher than praise, while the sensitivity of the teeth is not disturbed. Since chewing teeth have a large load, they are restored using crowns.

Veneers are of three types:

  1. Composite. Installed discreetly and quickly. But they are short-lived, therefore, are rarely used.
  2. Ceramic. They include medical porcelain and zirconia. Among all types of veneers, they are reliable and durable.
  3. Hollywood Lumineers. Thin plates of porcelain stick and serve for a long time. Their thickness does not exceed 0.3 mm. Therefore, before installing such products serious dental treatment is not required.

Installation procedure for veneers:

  1. How to correct teeth with veneersRemoved a small layer of enamel.
  2. The casts are made and sent to the laboratory.
  3. A temporary plastic lining is put on the teeth. It is necessary in order to protect them from contact with substances that damage the enamel.
  4. On a subsequent visit to the dental office, temporary veneers are removed, and ceramic plates are fixed.

Features of the restoration of lumineers

To get a white smile and at the same time do not grind enamel, you can use lumineers. Their use has the following advantages:

  • no need for anesthesia;
  • set for three visits to the dentist;
  • enamel is not damaged;
  • there is no age limit for the procedure;
  • only hypoallergenic materials are used;
  • the frequency of gum inflammation decreases;
  • even the coloring products do not change the shade of lumineers;
  • during fixation, a fluoride release bond is used;
  • Lumineers do not need special care;
  • the appearance of the plates does not change for many years;
  • during the restoration procedure temporary installations are not applied;
  • at the request of the client Lumineers can be removed;
  • plate life up to 20 years.

The price of cheap photopolymer vinyls - from 6 thousand rubles for one plate. "Hollywood" Lumineers cost from 15 thousand rubles, including the price for the work.

Crowns for art restoration

Designs that mimic human teeth are made under laboratory conditions. Three materials are used:

  1. Metal.
  2. Ceramics.
  3. Metal ceramics.

Correction of front teethMetal crowns look unattractive, so most patients choose ceramics. It has an aesthetic appearance and is practically does not differ from the natural color of enamel. To do this, in the manufacture of ceramic crowns dentists are guided by the natural color and shape. The cutting edge of the crown is done with relief, ribs and fissures are drawn, light clarification is made from the roots to the tips.

Ceramics over time is not erased and does not change color.

For artistic restoration, you can use the metal-ceramic, which is the "golden mean". Products are created from a metal frame, which is covered with ceramics. As a result, the crowns are durable and aesthetically appealing. They are durable and affordable.

Price of ceramic crowns Been reading from 15 thousand rubles. In turn, metal ceramics cost 3.5 thousand rubles per crown. The high cost of ceramic crowns is explained by the price of consumable blocks of ceramics and the price of the special apparatus used.

How to save the result?

Over time, the restored crowns will fade, so they need proper care.

Experts advise:

  • daily for three minutes to clean the dentition;
  • abandon the habit of nibbling nuts and seeds;
  • use irrigator and floss;
  • visit the dentist every six months for polishing.

Non-standard treatment

In some cases, with a certain condition of the teeth and gums, during the restoration the dentist does not guarantee. The reasons for the non-standard treatment include:

  1. Correction of the front teethDestruction to the root. In this case, strengthening with parapulpar or root structures is recommended.
  2. The presence of metal structures.
  3. Defect under the gums of hard tissue.
  4. Absence in the lateral parts of the molars. Due to excessive load, the veneer may slip off. Requires full recovery.

Restoration of milk teeth

Since the well-being and health of primary teeth directly affects the appearance and condition of future permanent ones, with extensive carious impairment or in the case of injury tooth needs to be restored.

A baby tooth that has fallen ahead of time can lead to deformation of the entire dentition. This is explained by the fact that the gum remains empty, because of which the adjacent baby teeth begin to move. In addition, the bite changes, the diction worsens, the load on the adjacent teeth increases, as a result of which they can fall out.

Therefore, milk teeth are recommended to recover. Timely help from a dentist will help in the future to avoid complications.

Contraindications for artistic restoration

The procedure for aesthetic restoration of teeth is contraindicated in the following diseases and conditions:

  • Indications for the restoration of the front teethwrong bite;
  • multiple destruction of the inner enamel;
  • the presence of bruxism;
  • the absence of several chewing teeth;
  • unnatural abrasion of teeth;
  • presence of a pacemaker;
  • allergies to the materials used;
  • deep chisel coating;
  • passion for dangerous sports.

Some of these contraindications are treatable, so it’s not worthwhile to completely abandon the restoration. A dentist can help with an overbite or bruxism.

Why are teeth being destroyed?

To the destruction of enamel and even the loss of teeth leads a whole list of human habits:

  1. Dental restoration of teethSmoking. In the oral cavity, toxins are deposited, and a film consisting of bacteria and microbes is formed, which is converted into plaque.
  2. Products with dyes. Not only artificial, but also natural dyes can destroy the enamel.
  3. The habit of biting nails. Bacteria move into the oral cavity and microcracks appear.
  4. Sweets. A destructive enamel coating is formed.
  5. Seeds. Excessive use of this product grinds down teeth. Their appearance and shape changes.
  6. Bruxism.The contraction of the masticatory muscles is highlighted in a separate phenomenon. It can not be consciously controlled, and most often observed at night.

Leads to the formation of cracks in the enamel eating solid foods and large nuts, as well as teeth-opening glass bottles.

To create a Hollywood smile, experts advise an aesthetic restoration of eight lower front teeth and ten upper teeth. However, before you go on such a procedure, you need to know about contraindications and consult with a specialist.


