3d white crest whitening strips

Teeth whitening stripsEven with all its effectiveness, the procedure of teeth whitening may not allow all because of its high cost. But, fortunately, inexpensive solutions are available today, one of which is crest 3d white strips. Thanks to them, you can not spend big money on procedures in the clinic and achieve a similar effect. And everyone can use them, and for this purpose it is not necessary to possess special skills. These strips are very easy to use. The buyer is only required to select the product that suits him.

Pharmacies today offer many different types of whitening strips, which have managed to meet the expectations of many customers.

How do whitening strips work?

How to apply stripsIt is very easy to use crest 3d white stripes - to do this, they need to be fixed on the teeth and worn for a certain time specified in the instructions. Whitening effect is provided hydrogen peroxidewhich is contained in the gel. While wearing strips, the active component is constantly in contact with the surface of the teeth, thus it is possible to eliminate old stains on the enamel surface, as well as on the inner layer.

During the use of whitening strips, the gel is gradually absorbed, which makes it possible to prolong the whitening effect for a long time, provided that the teeth are protected from contact with strong reagents.

Whitening strips contain special dental componentsthat help remove stains and plaque on the enamel. At the same time, they do not cause any harm to her, provided that the patient uses them in accordance with the instructions. If you use strips of white crest too often, tooth sensitivity may increase. Since they are in contact with the teeth for much longer, unlike toothpaste, it helps to achieve the desired effect more quickly and evaluate it visually.

Terms of use

In order for the whitening strips to help you quickly achieve the effect of whiteness and cause minimal damage, you need to use them. according to the instruction:

  1. First, you need to prepare your teeth for the procedure: you must first rinse your mouth, and then check that there are no food particles between your teeth.
  2. While using the white crest strips, you will have to refrain from brushing your teeth and using dental floss. Otherwise, you may accidentally damage the gums, and this may lead to the penetration of the active substances contained in the strips into the blood.
  3. After finishing the preparatory cleaning of the oral cavity, you need to take the package and get two crest strips to whiten the teeth. If you look closely, you can see the words “lower” and “upper” on them, which means the dentition on which they need to be fixed. The first are for the bottom, and the second - for the top. This separation is not accidental for manufacturers to introduce: all the strips have a certain shape, taking into account the peculiarities of the part of the jaw for which they are intended.
  4. Next, the plates should be attached to the teeth, but they should not go too far beyond the edge of the gums.
  5. Making sure that the white crest strips are evenly installed, they need to be pressed to the teeth, then the gel will be evenly distributed over the entire surface.
  6. Usually the strips are worn on the teeth for 30-60 minutes. But before using them, be sure to read the instructions, since different manufacturers may have their own instructions on the use of the product. Using these strips, you can safely do the usual things - talk, sing. It does not affect the whitening effect.
  7. When the time recommended for wearing white crest strips comes to an end, they must be carefully removed and the remnants of the gel removed with your fingers, after which you must thoroughly rinse your mouth with warm water.Remember that the strips are designed for single use only.

Features of use and cautions

Your teeth will be perfectly white when you comply with a number of conditions:

  • Use whitening stripsWhen wearing strips to whiten your teeth, use a special toothpaste;
  • Within one to two hours after removing the strips, eliminate the effects on the teeth coloring matter. Therefore, you should not smoke or drink tea;
  • For the period of bleaching it is recommended to completely forget about bad habits - do not smoke, do not drink tea, coffee, cocoa and other beverages containing reagents that can change the shade of enamel;
  • After removing the strips, be prepared for the fact that within half an hour the teeth may increase sensitivity. With this in mind, it is recommended to consume warm drinks, but hot and cold liquids and food should not be eaten;
  • Make sure that the gel does not get into the stomach, otherwise its side effect will manifest as a laxative;
  • If you feel unwell while wearing the whitening strips, you should immediately remove them and no longer use them;
  • If you have diseases of the oral cavity or some time ago you received an unhealed injury to the mucous and superficial tissues, then you will have to cure all your problems, and only after that you will be able to return to the procedure;
  • With the help of whitening strips, you can only change the color of tooth enamel, but you will not be able to make white crowns or fillings.

To date, many types of crest strips for whitening have been created, but they contain almost identical components. This is done in order to offer all consumers the most suitable product for them. If desired, you can find strips even for sensitive teeth. But it is necessary to remember about contraindications: it is not recommended to use these plates to adolescents under 16 years of age, women during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Rulers crest strips for teeth whitening

Professional Effects

How do the whitening strips workThese whitening strips are very popular due to the unique formula. Sometimes they provide an effect that even a professional dentist cannot do. With these strips you can not only change the shade of the visible surface of the enamel, but also hard-to-reach areas. Therefore, after carrying out such a procedure, the smile takes on a natural look. Making these strips, the manufacturer proceeded from a number of requirements to which they must meet:

  • respect for enamel;
  • natural ingredients in the gel;
  • affordable price.

The use of strips is very simple - they are fixed on the teeth and left for half an hour. When the specified time expires, they are removed and the remnants of the gel are removed. For maximum effect, the strips must be used within 20 days. During this time, it is advisable to stop smoking and drink coffee.

If you exactly follow the recommendations specified in the instructions, then after a full course of bleaching, you can lighten up by 4 tones. The final result is achieved after 3 procedures, and it lasts for 18 months.

The manufacturer has set the retail price for these strips at 3790 rubles.

Crest 3D White Luxe Whitestrips Supreme Flexfit

These strips are one of the modern solutions in the field of dentistry. They are made using a new technology that allows them to firmly hold their teeth. Therefore, fixing them on the dentition, a person can forget about them and go about their business. Bleaching plates do not create inconvenience both during a conversation and while drinking. The uniqueness of the drug is that it can be used for sensitive teeth. When you first meet with the plates draws attention to themselves their elongated shape, thanks to which they cover a large number of teeth at once.

These plates are usually worn for one hour, and full course is 2 weeks. But at the end of the first day you can see the first results from the use of this unique product for whitening tooth enamel. Usually, the achieved result lasts 12-18 months, but depending on the way of life it may change. This innovative solution allows you to lighten your teeth by 6 tones. In pharmacies, it is offered at a price of 3890 p.

Gentle Routine

Strip usage rulesBy creating these strips, the manufacturer wanted to offer a whitening system for owners of sensitive teeth, and eventually managed to achieve his own. Today it is the most effective tool for such people. Before the appearance of these strips, people with supersensitive teeth could not afford the bleaching procedure. However, thanks to the new formula, it was possible to create brand new stripeswhich gently affect the plaque and change color to necessary.

The plates contain only natural ingredients and a small amount of the active substance, which minimizes the damage on the enamel.

The duration of one course is 28 days, and a single application lasts no more than 5 minutes. The first changes can be seen already after one week. Achieved after the full course of the result holds up to 1 year. With this whitening system, you can lighten your teeth by 3 tones. In pharmacies on strips set price 2950 p.

Crest 3D White Whitestrips Vivid

The above system is also intended for people with super sensitive teeth. It contains only 10% of the active substance, which is hydrogen peroxide. This explains the very mild effect on tooth enamel.

Crest 3D White Whitestrips Vivid plates contain water that successfully solves the problem of dehydration. Therefore, after a full course, it is difficult to detect even microcracks on the enamel. Included in the gel components are completely naturaltherefore, anyone who agrees to this procedure can be sure that it will not harm his teeth and oral microflora.

With this innovative whitening system, you can lighten your teeth by 2 tones. The duration of one procedure is 30 minutes, and one course lasts 12 days. Usually, to achieve the maximum effect, you need to go through 5 sessions, after which you can see a completely new shade of teeth. The end result is held for six months. In pharmacies, 3d white crest strips are offered at a price of 2690 r.


Teeth whitening stripsMany of us dream of beautiful and snow-white teeth. A couple of decades ago, few could afford to change the shade of enamel, but today this opportunity is available to everyone. This can be done with the help of an inexpensive innovative solution - crest whitening strips.

Due to their ease of use and high efficiency, they enjoy high popularity among residents of not only Western countries, but also Russia. The crest teeth whitening strips provide for various types, among which you can find discs designed for ultra-sensitive teeth. This allows everyone to return their whiteness to their teeth without restriction.


